25. Patience

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You thought it might be best to stay at the butterfly mansion for a few days, just until your hands heal enough that they are usable. You are currently sitting on the engawa and watching the snow fall, the first of the season. You haven't seen Giyuu since that night, and it honestly hurts a little. 

Is he upset with me? 

You sigh and pull your blanket over your shoulders more. The cold nips at your nose, you can feel the prickly sensation. Most people feel uncomfortable with the cold, but it brings you a sense of comfort. Just because you practice ice breathing doesn't mean that the cold doesn't affect you.

I wonder if he's on a mission? He is a hashira after all..

Mitsuri came to see you yesterday and fussed about trying to figure out what happened. You lied to her, saying it was just a dumb mistake during training and that you're fine. It didn't look like she believed you, but she understood the tone in your voice as not wanting to talk about it.

You appreciated her company however as she talked about her new hair elastics and her most recent mission. Just before the sun began to lower, she took her leave for lunch to join Iguro.

Today has been boring. Aoi checked your bruises and brought you your medications, you enjoyed breakfast and lunch, and so far no one has come to see you.

All my friends are hashira, what am I even expecting? They're busy people after all.

The sun has almost fully set in the sky, just an hour or so left of daylight. You sigh and watch as your breathe becomes visible.

I should probably head inside soon..

As you pull yourself off the ground, light footsteps begin to approach you. The steps have halted right outside the door to the engawa, and you move to open it.

You place your hand on the door carefully and slide it open quickly. His eyes widen in suprise and you smile at him gently. With your hand still on the door, and your other holding the blanket closed around you, you begin to speak.

'Hello, Giyuu'

Is he doing better?

You want to ask him so many questions, and to try and tell him that you're ok, but the words just won't force their way out. You just stare at each other for a while, his eyes running over your face, the blanket covering your body, and your bandages hand on the door. Your eyes do much the same, but you get caught on his beautiful eyes.

His eyes meet yours and all you can do is smile. He sounds like he wants to apologize, but you don't need him to do that. Within a split second, you have jumped forwards and captured him in a hug. Your warm blanket drops to the floor, his body tenses.

'Thank you for coming'

He lets out a shaky breathe before lightly pushing you away. You stumble a little over the blanket and end up standing just outside the door. Giyuu takes another step back, and you tightly grip the end of your shirt with your hands.

You look from the floor up to his face, and the look he's giving could make you cry. He sounds so upset right now, but he won't allow himself to be comforted. Although you are a little hurt that he pushed you away, you give him a slight smile.

'I know you're upset right now, but would you join me for dinner? It's been lonely.'

The silence is deafening, you could almost hear a pin drop.


You try to meet his eyes, but he continues to look at the ground. He nods ever so slightly and turns around to walk away. You quickly grab the blanket and close the door behind you. He is walking quite fast, but you can keep up.

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