8. Recognition

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You reach Mitsuri's estate and look in awe through her front gate. There are pink, white, and light blue flowers planted all along the gate, they are in full bloom. The breeze blows cross the flora, the petals wave gently in the wind.

Mitsuri pushes through her gate and continues walking proudly to her front door. You quickly catch up and attempt to match her speed. Mitsuri turns towards you and begins to walk backwards.

"Welcome to my lovely little home y/n! Today on the menu we have a secret favorite western dish of mine and bean paste buns for dessert."

She smiles at you brightly and your lips tug upwards into a smile. She turns back around upon reaching the front door and opens the door. Before you even have the chance to enter the house you hear a voice call out.

"Mitsuri, is that you?"

You look at Mitsuri and cock your head to the side. She looks at you and gasps, placing her hands over her mouth.

"I forgot to tell you, we'll be joined by a couple others for lunch. I hope you don't mind!"

'Ah- no- yes. that's ok Mitsuri, it's your home and you were kind enough to invite me.'

She looks at you in the eyes for a moment before smiling and walking farther into the house. You follow and close the door behind you. You pass through the hallway lined with photos of Mitsuri and other people, as well as small works of art. She looks happy, and that makes you smile. You reach the end of the hall, on your right there is a kitchen with the familiar flame haired man.

The kitchen has overhead cabinets and a large L shaper counter with a deep sink built into it. There was a wood burning stove directly next to the countertop. An island is placed in the center of the kitchen, multiple ingredients spread across it. The flame hashira has his hands in a large mixing bowl, he seems to be kneading something. I wonder what he's making..

As if on cue, Rengoku looks to you and smiles. You look away embarrassed and try to hide your face.

"I'm making the dough for the bean paste buns, they're going to be delicious!"

His voice is booming, even more so indoors. You can hear the genuine sound in his voice and it brings you a sense of relief.

Mitsuri opens one of the overhead cabinets and grabs a frying pan. You stand awkwardly, waiting for and sign of what to do or where to move, but there is no order called out to you.

"Y/N-chan, I have a koi pond in my back yard if you'd like to take a look while we get lunch ready~"

You bow lightly and thank her softly before swiftly exiting the house via the sliding glass door. You step out onto the deck and feel the breeze on your face. You turn your head from left to right, slowly scanning the scene before you.

The koi pond takes up a decent portion of the yard, the water crystal clear, and a mini waterfall with cascading water sits on the far right side. There are three large trees sitting close together on the left side of the yard, hanging from two of the trees branches is a swinging bench. A small arched wooden bridge crosses in the center of the pond, the bridge is almost wide enough for two people to cross. Looking down at the water, you take notice of the beautifully coloured koi gliding beneath the surface.

Your body moves on it's own, stepping closer to the edge of rocks and crouching down. Your eyes fill with joy as the creatures swim peacefully through the water. They're so beautiful.. You reach your left hand out and gently slide it into the water. Startled, the fish swim quickly away from the foreign object in their waters. You leave you hand in the cool water for a moment before retracting it. You stand back up and move to cross the bridge. As you walk across the bridge, your hand slides across the smoothly lacquered railing. You hum to yourself, a melody you're not quite sure where you've heard it before. Your hand slides off the railing and you walk towards the swinging bench.

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