Chapter 17

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Olivia Yamkela Jakkals 

I drive for a good 2 hours until I reach my destination. I park my car outside and head inside the RDP house. I immediately hear music coming from inside and chuckle. It's her favourite song... I let myself in and find her dancing.

I watch her in amusement. She's a great dancer. I myself learned how to dance here in these streets of Attridgeville while I was younger. Her singing? Not so pleasant but I'm used to it.

She does a turn and screams when she finds me standing by her door and immediately runs to me, engulfing me in a warm and tight hug. We both cry in each others arms, its been so long.

MaVilakazi: Aii my child, no one has money to borrow us for bread, we'll just have to be strong my baby.

She comes into view and pauses when she sees me. She looks shocked to see me but it isn't long till her tears start to weld up in her eyes.

MaVilakazi: Mororo? (Morogo)

Long story.

MaVilakazi: Mororo, ngwanaka k'wena? (My child, is it really you?)

Yammy: Eya Rakgadi. (Yes, aunt.)

I slowly walk up to her and stand in front of her.
She grabs me and engulfs me in a tight hug while crying. Xiluva joins us and their cries pierce through my heart.

MaVilakazi: I missed you so much my child.

She starts kissing me all over my face while I giggle out of joy.

MaVilakazi: Hao bathong, look at you all grown up. The last time I saw you , you were this young.

She gestures with her hands.

Yammy: Yes that's why I decided to just come and visit you guys. I wasn't sure what was going to happen since the incident between you and Ma.

I watch as pain runs through her face. Now that I really look at her, she's lost a lot of weight. She's still as beautiful as ever but her eyes tell a different story.


Yammy: Yazi I haven't had a spathlo in so long.

Xiluva: Yoh me too! Let's go buy, the place isn't far from here.

Xiluva: Ma! ra bowa, ro reka dijo! ( We're coming back! We're going to buy food.)

MaVilakazi: Okay nana, itlhokomeleng tuuu. ( Please take care of yourselves)

We walk out.

Xiluva: Aowa leave the car, we can walk.

Yammy: You don't want to drive?

Her face lights up. She grabs my keys and starts the car.

Yammy: Before we go buy food, let's pass by shoprite so we can buy some groceries.

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