Chapter 21

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Olivia Yamkela Jakkals

Saying goodbye was one of the worst experiences of my life but it had to be done.
I opted to drive to Cape Town and so I drive with with a heavy heart.

Cruising while listening to some good music and reminiscing about the good times I spent in Gauteng. My heart is getting heavier and heavier by the minute and I think of turning for a slight second but remember exactly why I'm doing this.

I hope Cape Town will be a good fresh start for me.


I reach a garage and park my car then head inside. I first go to Steers to order some food then go to the bathroom. I then go buy some water and snacks to keep me going. I buy a lot, I seem to have an appetite, I think its anxiety or something. I add 2 pies as well then go a fetch my order.

I eat all my food in record time then head to my car and place a packet of Doritos on my lap to munch on.

After sometime I pull my car to the side, open my door and throw up just outside my door.
I knew all that food would catch up with me, arg.

I grab a water bottle and rinse my mouth then pour some over my vomit and get back inside my car.


I've been fighting the urge to eat again but my stomach feels so empty and so I grab some sweets and more doritos to eat. It's the only thing I have left anyways.

I receive a call and answer.

Yammy: Hey.

Thabo: Sup baby, you good? How's the journey so far?

Yammy: It's been...interesting...yeah interesting I think I just have a lot of anxiety

Thabo: It's normal, don't worry you'll be okay.

Yammy: I guess, so... You do know that Nomvelo is graduating in a few days right?

Thabo: Yeah Jason said that we'd all go there with his families Private Jet.

Yammy: How do you feel ?

Thabo: I don't know man. I'm excited that I'll get to see her but I don't know how I'll keep my hands of her for the time being.

Yammy: It's a bit of a tricky situation but you can do this. If it gets too much, you can confide in me. I'll be there to help since I'm the only one who knows what's going on.

Thabo: You haven't told Jason yet?

Yammy: Don't worry about him, I'll sort him out so that he can be on board by fire or by force. I won't allow him to add onto your stress.

Thabo: Plus he'll never say no to you so that should work in my favour. I can hear a song playing in the background, is it Count Your Blessings?

Yammy: Yep, just vibing to some chill house music hey.

Thabo: You sure you don't want to book just for the night?

Yammy: Yeah I'll be fine.

Thabo: A'ight, I'll call you tomorrow, Night Olly.

Yammy: Night love.


Oh finally! A garage, yazi I was dying of hunger. Its early in the morning and I'm starving.
I order some breakfast ,go to the bathroom and buy some snacks. And I mean buy. Don't judge.
I sit outside on one of the concrete tables and eat my breakfast next to my car while watching other families go in and out of the garage as well. I especially enjoy the calm breeze as well.

Currently playing house and its hitting me in the right places, making me think of all the clubs we'd hit during first and second year. They'd always start with house music, and it would always be a struggle to find the songs, cause they were just beats but once we did! Man we'd listen to them all day everyday.

Someone walks up to me, I can't tell if the person is a girl or guy, but they're really beautiful.

' Hi, my name's Kgomotso Majola, nice to meet you.'

Yammy: Yamkela Jakkals, nice to meet you too.

Kgomotso: I actually noticed that we were headed in the same direction, I've been driving behind your car this entire time and since we're lone drivers, I thought I'd introduce myself, I hope you don't mind.

Yammy: Oh ok great, it would be really nice to have someone to talk to on this long journey.

Kgomotso: Cape Town?

She sits next to me.

Yammy: Yeah, I'm going to visit my family and you?

I knew she was going to ask. I can't tell her that I'm moving over there alone, what if she's some serial killer and tells her friends to target me since I'm going to be all alone that side.

Kgomotso: I'm going back home, I live there. I was just here for some business matters and chose to drive back just to clear my head a bit.

She pulls her upper lip into her mouth and sucks on it a bit. She looks so cute.

Yammy: I'm sorry but you're really beautiful.

She looks at me and smiles, dimples too? Okay.

Kgomotso: Really?

Yammy: Most definitely.

Kgomotso: Thank you Yamkela, you're beautiful too, if I'm going to be honest, by far the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

Yammy: Aww, thank you so much.

Kgomotso: My pleasure sweet thang.

I look at her intently.

Kgomotso: Come with me, I want to show you something.

I follow her to the backseat of her car.
She pushes me backwards and starts kissing me.
I happily oblige, don't look at me like that.
After sometime her hand goes down to my pussy.

Kgomotso: May I?

I nod still lost in the kiss.
Not gonna lie, there is no space here at the back, but it's spontaneous and I kinda like it.

Kgomotso: Yamkela?

Yammy: Huh?

Kgomotso:Where'd you drift off to?

I cross my legs and squeeze tight.

Yammy: Uhm sorry, I was just uh...thinking about something.

She chuckles.
Tf is wrong with me! I'm so fucking wet right now, it's not even a joke.


After that weird encounter, we headed to our cars and drove behind one another.
Few hours later, I see a sign.


I take a deep breathe.

Yammy: This is it.

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