Chapter 41

36 2 0

Olivia Yamkela Jakkals 

Yammy: Just breathe,  just breathe we're okay.

I try to comfort myself but something just doesn't feel right. I try to make my way to the kids as Phathu brang her lovely offspring along with her.

Yammy: Ah!

No please no!
I try my best to walk to their room but my condition isn't helping.
My heart beat slowly picks up and it's starting to get overwhelming now.
Phathu rushes in.

Phathu: what's it the baby?

The tears start falling and I place my hand over my heart. I can't take it.

Yammy: The kids! Get the kids!

Phathu: The kids are okay they're sleeping. I need to get you to the hospital...

Yammy: Kids!

I shout as I start to get weak then suddenly a deafening sound is heard of glass breaking and then gun shots erupt.

I immediately teleport the kids into the room who seem to be waking up judging from their dishevelled state.
Phathu looks at me wide eyed but then she quickly recovers and comes by side to help me.


She opens some sort of secret door inside the room and leads us inside.
I immediately hear a loud alarm and banging sounds as if the house is going on some sort of lock down or the house is being attacked.

Yammy: Ah!!!!

I fall onto the bed and hold my stomach for dear life.

Phathu: Listen to me okay? Just breathe deeply in and out. Your water just broke.

Phathu: Rophi my child please get aunty a bowl of water from the sink and a towel okay?

Rophi stands there looking at me in horror.
My poor baby.

Phathu's daughter seems to pull herself together and runs to the mini kitchen in here.

I try to muffle my screams as the contractions hit me like a wave as my body starts vigorously shaking.

A wind suddenly erupts within the room and my grandmother aunt and a few people I don't know appear in the room.


The doctor rushes to Yammy and prepares her to give birth along with the nurses that came with while Yamkelas aunt puts a spell on the children to peacefully fall asleep and forget what happened.

Ma Barka who looks livid to the core along with her crew go out and start mercilessly killing the intruders. Seeing that the kids are safe with MaVilakazi Phathu takes this chance to run out as well and starts shooting everyone in her way in the forehead, execution style without wasting anymore time putting her training to good use.

Once she reaches the yard she immediately stops and watches in horror as Ma Barka and her team effortlessly take the enemies out as if its some sort of game. They off...squash every single limb of the enemy off and do so either from a distance while floating or use their surroundings to come alive and do unspeakable things at their command. The worst part is that the intruders seem to use the very same powers to fight back.

The Eyes Hold The Keys To The SoulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon