Chapter 29

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Olivia Yamkela Jakkals 

Currently on a video call with my boys.

Thabo: What can I say, life is good, I've got my woman here with me. What more can I ask for?

I laugh, the look on Anzo's face is priceless.

Yammy: You've literally been going on about having her with you the entire call, we get it.

Jason: Yeah stop rubbing it in man.

Thabo cracks up with laughter and I try to hold mine.

Thabo: Look who's talking, just cause your hun up and left you nna I must contain my happiness.

Anzo: Come on, there was no future with her anyways, she was just a there for his needs.

Thabo: Facts, or byang bru? (Fact or what?)

Jason: Yeah I guess. What I'd like to know is what's got Bella smiling this entire call.

Anzo: I was about to ask.

Thabo: Ah Olly! Look at you, you're as red as a tomato pela.

Yammy: I was going to tell you guys a bit later but I'm talking to someone.

Anzo: Talking as in fucking or?

Yammy: Genuinely talking, we're not fucking.

Jason: Mmh is he the one who keeps feeding you cause you've put on some weight?

Thabo: Woah relax man, there's no need for all that.

Yammy: Actually yes, he's most definitely taking care of me.


After the call I took a ride with Lyden and Gugu to go and check on my building. I haven't seen them in a while. After checking it out we go and have some lunch.

Gugu: Really? She's dating your boss?

Yammy: We're not dating, we're just getting to know each other.

Gugu: Lucky bitch! That man is foine! Shit I'm into older man but I sure as hell would consider having him tap it.

Lyden: Djy, is djy mal?  Sometimes I wish you'd first think before you talk. (Are you crazy?)

Yammy: She's really raw and honest, I like that.

Lyden: Nee, watse 'I like it' don't encourage her. ( No what 'I like it' are you talking about)

Gugu: Arg, you love me anyways.

Lyden: Always babe.

Gugu: Shit. Before I forget, my sugar daddy is hosting an event this weekend and we're going!

Yammy: I'll have to pass.

Gugu: Don't worry, I got you. Its a 2 day event so we'll be there for the daytime event. We have VIP passes so we'll be secluded from the general people. See this as your last day out before giving birth.

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