Chapter 50

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Few days later

Lufuno Vhangoni

My grandmother cleansed me of all the bad and evil spirits that made me their playground and now I'm stuck.
My cellphone on one hand wondering if I should send her an apology message and my gun on the other hand contemplating whether or not to end it all.
I can't believe how I've hurt her so bad. I'm so ashamed. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have cheated on her in the first place.

Ndivho: LUFUNO!

He barges in and goes straight for my gun. He coldly chuckles shaking his head as if he'd just figured that I should have just in fact ended my pathetic life.

Ndivho: Mulalo was kidnapped, get up our flight is in an hour.

I quickly rush out and meet Ndivho already driving out.


I'm a fucking failure, how the fuck could I mope around feeling sorry for myself whilst my grandma already warned me about the threat against my family.


We reach my house and run out.

Lufuno: What happened?

Raquel: Me and the kids were at the mall when a woman approached me. She was drawn to Summer in a weird way and so I took the stroller and stared to walk with Rophi beside me. When I looked back she had already disappeared and when I checked on Summer she had also vanished just like that!

She says while crying.

I take out my phone and ask Hawk to track Gugu send her coordinates and track her conversations for anything suspicious activities and suspects.

Once I get the location, Justin, Lukhanya, Ndivho and I rush out to the car but to my surprise, Yammy runs out and joins us.

The look on her face says 'Try me, I dare you' and so we rush there with her in the car with us. We left Jason and Raquel with Rophi inside the house along with security.


Once they reach Gugu's home, they barge in. Lufuno is already strangling her. Justin and Ndivho push him off leaving him breathing heavily.

Lufuno: Where the fuck is my child?!

Gugu: what's going on here?

I slap her, leaving blood gushing out of her mouth.

Lufuno: Where is she?

Gugu: I don't know okay?! Ask Buhle!

Lukhanya: Who the fuck is that? Tell us everything.

Gugu: Buhle Khumalo, the wife of a man this bitch slept with and then went on to publicly humiliate. For some reason, no one would help us get revenge on her because she's special gift or whatever so we found someone who suggested that the only way to get to her would be through you. You'd physically abuse her as Buhles revenge then fall for me, leaving that woman who helped us with that bastard daughter of hers.

Yamkela stands up and kneels down leveling with Gugu and looks into her eyes. She logs onto Facebook, takes a screenshot of a picture and sends it to Raquel with the message
-Is this her?-
Raqual replies with a
to which Yamkela informs the rest of the about her findings.

Lufuno instructs Ndivho and Justin to take Gugu to the torture room and send men to kidnap Buhle and take her there too.

Meanwhile Yamkela summons her grandmother who appears in front of her and reads her mind.

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