Chapter 29

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    The two didn't go home until evening, and Mingyue was still surprised why they could stroll around a small park the size of a palm for two or three hours.

    Zhong Yi's face was filled with joy, and she was even calm when she heard Ming Yue recount Gu Yin's conversation with her: "It's just a child, it should be fresh."

    Ming Yue nodded in agreement.

    Zhong Yi had a headache from the wind blowing in the park at night, so he lay down early. The drowsiness came quickly, and she still held her eyelids tightly, and she insisted on waiting until eleven fifty-nine.

    Zhong Yi: [I was the one who wished you a happy birthday at the last second. ]

    After sending, she guessed that Shen Yan should also be asleep, so she slowly closed her eyes. Strangely, the turbulent drowsiness just now disappeared, replaced by cold sweat all over her body, and she always felt the cold wind blowing from the window.

    It made her tremble all over.

    Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, and Zhong Yi pressed the quilt tightly to his body. It was just a slight headache before, but now there is a feeling of pain that is about to tear. The body is hot inside and cold outside.

    She didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

    Zhong Yi struggled and put her hand on her forehead, it was hot. At this time, she was still in the mood to tease herself—see, for the sake of looking good, she made herself feverish.

    The feeling of dizziness became stronger and stronger, and Zhong Yi instinctively felt that something might happen to her if she continued to suffer like this, she was shaking and moved out step by step. The whole world was spinning, and finally moved to Mingyue's door with all his strength.

    Knock once, twice.

    No one answered, Zhong Yi felt that she was getting weaker and weaker, and the familiar feeling of darkness rushed in, she couldn't hold it anymore, she leaned against the door and sat on the ground.

    In the last consciousness, it was Ming Yue who rubbed her eyes, opened the door, and let out a cry of surprise.

    Just before he passed out, Zhong Yi was still thinking in his heart, don't just open his eyes and be reborn again. In the next life, whoever loves to live will live well. Why is there still a saying of returning to zero, will Shen Yan still remember her...

    Fortunately, Zhong Yi did not return to the age of fifteen when she opened her eyes.

    Sunlight poured down from outside the curtains, shining on Zhong Yi's body, it was so warm as hell. She tried her best to raise her hand, as if she was being pressed by something, she squinted her eyes and turned her head, only to find the person who shouldn't be here.

    Shen Yan's complexion was beaten by the sun, like a transparent fake doll, and the mole on the bridge of his nose also pierced his eyes. At this time, he was pressing on Zhong Yi's hand, sitting on the ground, leaning against the bed, and crawling very hard.  

  Zhong Yi didn't want to wake him up, trying to recall what happened last night. His head was a paste, and there was a cool thing stuck to his forehead. The head still hurt, but it was much better than last night. 

   Her hands were really numb, and she didn't have much strength, so she could only carefully pull her hands out. Only halfway through the pumping, he felt that the weight on his hand was gone, and Zhong Yi looked at Shen Yan as soon as he turned his head. 

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