Chapter 2: Lie

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Kong Hou had once hidden away two cultivation storybooks in her room. One was about a kind swordsman who helped the poor and the weak. One day, he helped a dirty and smelly old man who was being bullied. In truth, this old person was an immortal in disguise. To reward this swordsman's kindness, he gave the swordsman an immortal pill. After the swordsman ate the immortal pill, he immediately became an immortal and went to the heavens to be an immortal official.

The other story was even more bizarre. The protagonist was an ordinary hunter. He accidentally fell off a cliff and found a cultivation manual. He then stepped onto the path of cultivation. On this path of cultivation, the hunter experienced countless hardships. An expert took him as the last apprentice[1]. In the end, he became the leader of the orthodox immortal sects, admired by countless male cultivators and beloved by countless female cultivators. But Kong Hou's storybook did not have an ending. She wanted to know if this hunter managed to ascend and become immortal in the end.

For Kong Hou who did not have the opportunity to encounter too many folk tales, these two stories were spectacular. When young, she would occasionally fantasize on some rare night that an immortal would come from the heavens, say that she was a rare cultivation talent, and take her as an apprentice.

When she first had this fantasy, she couldn't even recognize all the words, and she needed to guess as she read those two books. Now, she could recite these two books from start to end, but no immortal had come.

In the past, before she fell asleep at night, she would murmur, when would Grandpa Immortal come see her. Now, she was not a young child of six or seven anymore. So she learned control and would only murmur occasionally.

She continued to murmur but no immortal ever came.

Instead, the female official found her hidden stories. The teacher punished her to copy books for a month and said that, as a princess of the previous dynasty, she should not read such lowly and common books.

Teacher said that a child should not talk about gods and monsters.

But Kong Hou felt that Teacher was lying as in the years after Emperor Jinghong took the throne, he would worship the heavens each year. He also liked to use miracles to emphasize how important the heavens thought of him, and the palace attendants would frequently say that His Majesty was fated by the heavens.

Adults were always so hypocritical and duplicitous.

Kong Hou sneered at their ways. Of course, only in secret.

When the silver light above the palace grew brighter, Kong Hou looked unblinkingly at the light descending towards the court. Was this for her?

The silver light was so strong that Kong Hou's eyes felt painful. She hurriedly rubbed her left eye but kept her right eye open. When her left eye felt better, she hurriedly opened it and then rubbed her right eye.

The immortal definitely... maybe was coming for her?

The court could not react to such a phenomenon. Emperor Jinghong stood up from his throne without any composure and looked wildly at the sky.

The emperor was a hero and pursued power and beauties. After possessing both, he started to have delusions of immortality. Emperor Jinghong was a qualified emperor. He had both the ambition and desire an emperor should possess.

The silver light gradually landed, and an old person dressed in grey robes appeared. The old person had black hair and a young appearance, and no sword or talisman. However, the ethereal aura he possessed caused the emperor and the others present to believe this was an immortal.

"Honored Immortal has made this lowly country full of light by descending here." Emperor Jinghong walked quickly forward, but even in his joy, he stopped five paces away from the immortal. He was an extremely wary man. Even though the other was an "immortal," this was no exception. He bowed deeply. Emperor Jinghong said, "Honored Immortal, please sit."

Ascending, Do Not Disturb! Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora