Chapter 100: Returning Home

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There was always someone in the noisy crowd that would outshine everyone and become the only light.

Jing Yuan, who had never been close to a female and been in love, felt a fire start flickering in his heart.

Yet in the next moment, he saw this smiling girl pull the sleeve of another man. While the moment was gentle, and she quickly released the sleeve, the little fire that just erupted in his heart was half diminished.

Then he saw the man lift his head, and met his gaze. He had no emotion in his eyes, cold and frightening. The gaze caused his fire to extinguish thoroughly. He even couldn’t help but shudder.

This gaze… so terrifying. It was like unmelted ice that could turn into cold blades at any time, and stab into other people’s chests.

“Not looking any longer?” Ling Yue had noticed his gaze long ago and only spoke mockingly after seeing him frightened by the man’s gaze. “I hope there won’t be any rumors that you fought another man for a partner and could not win.”

“Shijie…” Jing Yuan’s face flushed. “Leave some face for me. There are people here; it is not good if people hear.”

“You also know that people are around yet you stare at another girl. Is there any face?” Ling Yue’s expression darkened. “If you want face, you have to understand and act appropriately.”
Jing Yuan flushed and bowed to Ling Yue. “Shijie, I know I was wrong.”

“Shijie, there seem to be people from Cool Breeze Sect over there?” The young shimei warned in a small voice. “Look at the swords in their hands.”

Among the crowd, several women and men were holding swords inlaid with all kinds of grand gemstones that shone dazzlingly under the sun and publicly declared their existence far and wide.

“It really is them…” Ling Yue’s tone was complicated. In Ling Yue’s view, Cool Breeze Sect could not be considered orthodox sword cultivators. In this matter, Radiance Sect and Nine Phoenix Sect were similar.

These Cool Breeze Sect disciples were squeezed in front of a gemstone shop, picking and selecting all kinds of gemstones. Ling Yue felt doubt. They bought so many gemstones—did they still have place on their swords to inlay them?

Seeing them full of spirit, Ling Yue did not go up to disturb. She looked towards Kong Hou who was walking towards them and smiled slightly. “Miss, we meet again.” She did not frequently smile, and the smile looked slightly stiff. This would easily cause people to misunderstand and think she looked down on others.

Kong Hou tilted her head and said with a smile, “Greetings, Celestial.”

“Miss is going to Splendid Cloud Sect?” Seeing Kong Hou’s smile, Ling Yue sighed in relief. For some reason, whenever she exchanged greetings with other female cultivators, the other always looked unhappy. Before leaving the sect, Master said to her that people would not attack those who smiled. It seemed Master was right. When she smiled at this girl, this girl’s attitude grew much warmer.

“Yes.” Kong Hou nodded. “Celestial, will you travel with us?”

“No.” Ling Yue shook her head and said, “We have some other things to do. Miss, please go ahead. We will follow later.”

“In that case, we will go first. We can talk later on Splendid Cloud Mountain.” Kong Hou returned a smile to Ling Yue and then bowed slightly to the other three disciples. “Farewell.”

“Farewell.” The other three disciples returned the bow.

When Kong Hou was far away, Jing Yuan murmured, “Such a beautiful woman—how did she fall…”

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