Chapter 49: Assassination

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Sitting in the carriage, Kong Hou also heard the ruckus outside. She lifted the window curtain and looked out. The troublemaker was a Base Building Stage male cultivator, dressed normally, with normal looks, and even his voice was not exceptional in any aspect. He was the type that if he was thrown into a crowd, no one would be able to find him.

Many people were entering and leaving the city. When the male cultivator shouted, he attracted many people’s attention. Hearing a major sect was bullying others, those entering and leaving the city wanted to stay and watch. Soon, the gates were completely blocked off.

The captain of the guard saw the situation and feared a stampede would occur. He hurriedly sent guards to maintain order. There were old people and children in the crowd. If they were wounded or stepped on, it would be a major incident.

“If you do not feel guilty, why are you trying to drive us away?” the man said furiously. “Ordinary people are not people?”

The captain ignored him and had the guards put up a rope cordon in the surroundings. “Fellow people, the gates are for entry and exit. Everyone crowded here blocks other people, and that is not a beautiful matter.” He pulled on the rope. “Everyone, please cooperate and stand outside this line. Pay attention to the old and young around you, and do not step on or squeeze them.”

When the people were all outside the rope, the captain turned and bowed to the man, saying firmly, “Transcendent, please forgive us. All those who enter Yan City have to prove their identity.”

Seeing all the people watching from outside the rope, the man felt as though he was a monkey on stage being looked at by everyone for their amusement. He steadied his mind. The man said coldly, “So many excuses—don’t you just want a fee?”

“Why are you so unforgiving?” Kong Hou saw these guards were all ordinary soldiers and worried that this Base Building man would wound others. She jumped off the carriage and ducked under the rope the guards had pulled together. The guards just wanted to say she could not enter, but when they saw Kong Hou reach the guard captain’s side with a leap, they swallowed their words.

“You say so much, but you are not willing to show your life token. I think that it isn’t the guards that are the problem, but you who have other intentions.” Kong Hou’s expression turned grave. “So many cultivators show their life token when entering Yan City—why can you not? Unless…”

Kong Hou’s gaze swept the man. “Unless you are an evil cultivator who wants to sneak into the city to harm the people. You are deliberately making trouble here to smear the reputations of nomad cultivators and sect disciples.”

“You speak nonsense. These guards clearly look down and disrespect us nomad cultivators, making things difficult for us.” No matter what Kong Hou said, the man still stuck on the topic of the Yan City guards bullying nomad cultivators.

Kong Hou was almost certain that there was something wrong with the male cultivator’s identity. In the last few days, she had seen nomad cultivators with all kinds of eccentricities, but none were like this one, making such waves and desiring for nomad cultivators and the sects to fight. She looked at the people watching. There were cultivators and ordinary people who were pointing and talking about the man. They did not believe his words, but were watching him making a fool of himself.

It seems that Harmonious Wind Study was very popular and trustworthy. No matter what the man said, they did not believe his words. Maybe the man was not doing this for the local people. If some among the cultivators who first came to Yan City believed him, they would spread the news.

This world lacked for everything except people who wanted to hear gossip.

“Master An He of Harmonious Wind Study has come!”

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