Chapter 80: Resolved

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When Ling Bo saw Chang De and the other shixiong, she pulled her shidi and flew over like an infant sparrow returning to nest. She reacted so quickly as if she was finally released from hardship.

When he saw Ling Bo and the young shidi appear, Chang De’s gaze scanned them and then his gaze softened. No matter how tiring the children were, when their safety was unknown, the shixiong would still worry. Fortunately, both were well and had not been attacked. They also… should not have attacked others.

When the five disciples met, they were slightly excited. Chang De looked into the sky and saw Spirit Master Huan Zhong standing on the flying sword, and Kong Hou behind him who was looking towards them. Noticing his gaze, Miss Kong Hou smiled and waved at him.

Chang De smiled and bowed slightly to the two.

The four nomad cultivators saw Ling Bo and the others appear. They felt slightly conflicted. They rejoiced that they had not descended into fighting with the Clear Dawn Sect members, but hated that they could not vent their discontent in front of these sect disciples.

“Shixiong, this is…” Ling Bo noticed the corpse nearby and her expression changed slightly.

Someone had died here? Thinking about what they had encountered in the secret realm, Ling Bo felt slightly puzzled. “Who is the victim?”

“A path friend of the nomad alliance.” With the people of the nomad alliance present, Chang De did not say much.

Ling Bo looked back at the four from the nomad alliance and nodded slightly at them.

The young nomad cultivator who had pressured Chang De did not say anything displeasing in front of Ling Bo and returned the greeting.

“What happened here?” Kong Hou flew down. The secret realm was full of spirit energy, and almost no odor came from the corpse being exposed to the elements. Other than the exposed skin being slightly unusual and the clothing wet, the corpse had not started to swell.

The victim did not appear to have died long ago, unless the spirit energy in the secret realm could affect the speed at which the corpse changed.

“Celestial Kong Hou.” The four nomad cultivators saw Kong Hou. The elder of the nomad alliance bowed to her. “The victim is a nomad cultivator from our nomad alliance. Not long ago, Path Friend Celestial found his corpse in the lake. He has two sword injuries and the culprit is unknown.”

Kong Hou returned the bow and circled around the corpse. After bowing to the victim, she lifted off the white cloth. This was an average-looking man. Unless he was a very skilled talker and had many tactics to win over women, this should not be a crime of passion.

The two sword wounds were both fast and vicious. If it was a powerful cultivator, they could make two holes in his body in a blink.

The ones most skilled with a sword in the secret realm were the disciples of Clear Dawn Sect and Radiance Sect. Adding on the fact that Clear Dawn Sect disciples were the ones who found the corpse, Kong Hou realized that the nomad cultivators suspected the Clear Dawn Sect members. However, due to their few numbers, they did not dare to say it out loud.

But if this matter was not cleared up, more conflicts would accumulate, and it would be harder to resolve in the future.

Kong Hou stood and looked around. “I suspect the culprit may not have gone far.”

The elder of the nomad alliance told this matter to Kong Hou in order to spread the news. Even if these sect disciples were not willing to help them, Clear Dawn Sect would not do something like kill them all in front of other sects.

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