Chapter 83: Offering Tea

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“Cang Hai.” Peak Master Song He saw his apprentice’s expression was still strange and asked, “What do you have to say?”

“I…” Cang Hai turned and looked at Xiao Dong who did not dare to speak. “Sect Master, this junior has something else to say.”

“What is it?” Jin Yue saw Cang Hai with such a serious expression and put away his amusement.

“Sect Leader, I feel that Shidi will marry into Splendid Cloud Sect.” Cang Hai swallowed. “Xiao Dong said he saw Shidi and Miss Kong Hou of Splendid Cloud Sect holding hands and talking happily in front of others.”

“Is this true?” Jin Yue looked at Xiao Dong.

Xiao Dong nodded minutely. “When Shishu and Kong Hou Shishu came out, many cultivators were surrounding them and this junior did not see anything. But when this junior went near, he saw Shishu holding Miss Kong Hou’s hands very intimately.”

The room suddenly became silent. Xiao Dong felt a wave of cold sweat. Would Grand Shishu go find Shishu in anger and split him and Kong Hou up?

“Song He.” Jin Yue was silent for a long time and then looked at Song He. “Last month, you discussed the path with Peak Master Wang Tong of Splendid Cloud Sect for a fortnight. Did you have pleasant interactions?”

“Path Friend Wang Tong is a humorous person and has deep cultivation. I had good interactions with him.” Song He thought of Wang Tong who accompanied him to eat all over the streets and tried his best to ignore Wang Tong’s unreliable personality. It was difficult to find his shining parts from his usual conduct.

“You and Peak Master Wang Tong are old friends. I can only ask you to go…”

“Sect Leader—” Song He interrupted Jin Yue. “Miss Kong Hou is still seventeen. Even if I go ten times, I cannot say some things.” If he dared to speak, according to Wang Tong’s temper, he would dare to raise his weapon. Wang Tong would chase him all the way from Splendid Cloud Sect back to Radiance Sect.

“What are you thinking?” Jin Yue stilled. “I ask you to bring gifts to Peak Master Wang Tong using the excuse of sending gifts to Splendid Cloud Sect. Does Path Friend Wang Tong like calligraphy, painting, pills, talismans or seals?”

“He does not like any of those.” Song He thought back. He said uncertainty, “Wang Tong is a master of a peak. He should not lack those things. He lacks spirit stones.”

Jin Yue looked suspiciously at Song He. He was really a good friend with Path Friend Wang Tong?

“Sect Leader, I am not joking. Path Friend Wang Tong’s fate is slightly special. He is born as someone who cannot keep spirit stones. So he never has any spirit stones.” Even though Wang Tong himself did not admit this, because they frequently went to eat together, he could generally guess what the other lacked and wanted to have.

“Then prepare some spirit stones, talismans and medicines to take along. If we just send spirit stones, Path Friend Wang Tong may misunderstand and think we are looking down on him. That would not be good,” Jin Yue commanded. Seeing Song He looking at him with a strange look, he sighed and said, “If in a few decades, Huan Zhong really does marry into Splendid Cloud Sect, I have to curry the favor of the elders for him first.”

Men who married into the wife’s family did not have it easy.

Song He had not thought the sect leader was so open-minded. He was willing to let his genius apprentice marry into another sect.

“Oh.” Jin Yue sighed. “When he was young, I hoped he could control himself and go further on the path of the sword, and become the first to ascend in a millennium for Lingyou World. But…

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