Chapter 60: Boundary

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Hearing someone familiar call her, Kong Hou turned her head and saw Cheng Yi standing at the opposite side of the street. She was overjoyed. “Eldest Shixiong?!”

Cheng Yi smiled and strode through the flow of people towards Kong Hou.

“Eldest Shixiong!” Kong Hou jogged over towards Cheng Yi and then leapt towards him. “Eldest Shixiong, how come you are here?”

“Evil cultivators have been active recently. The sect is worried that our subordinate sects will encounter trouble and so sent the apprentices to the sects to stand guard.” Cheng Yi held Kong Hou and pretended to be angry. “You have gone out to travel and gain experience—how are you still so improper?”

“I am just too happy seeing Shixiong; we do not have to be courteous.” Kong Hou pulled Cheng Yi’s sleeve and swung it. “We haven’t seen each other for a long time—you didn’t miss me?”

Cheng Yi tapped Kong Hou’s forehead. “You have no conscience.” He remembered Kong Hou had entered Mind Activation Stage and reached to probe Kong Hou’s meridians. The meridians were broad and powerful. It appeared she had smoothly passed her ordeal.

Seeing Kong Hou run towards an unfamiliar man and even leap onto him, Huan Zhong looked down at his empty sleeve where Kong Hou had just been holding on. Seeing Kong Hou allow an unfamiliar man to probe her meridians while talking and smiling at him, Huan Zhong slowly lowered his face and walked towards the pair.

Seeing Master walk towards Miss Kong Hou, Lin Hu silently remained in his spot. In the past, Master would not join other people’s conversations without an invitation. Or, in other words, Master was not willing to say an extra word to other people.

“Kong Hou.” Huan Zhong stopped three paces away from Kong Hou and looked at the young woman with his black glass eyes.

Kong Hou who was reminiscing with Cheng Yi immediately turned her head and met Huan Zhong’s beautiful eyes. She smiled. “Huan Zhong, let me introduce you. This is my eldest shixiong, Cheng Yi.” For Kong Hou, Cheng Yi was both brother and father, one of her most important people.

Huan Zhong met Cheng Yi’s examining gaze and bowed, his sleeves drawing an elegant curve in the air. “Greetings, Path Friend Cheng Yi.”

“Greetings Path Friend.” Cheng Yi heard Kong Hou call this person Huan Zhong and guessed his identity. This man was good-looking. No male disciple in Splendid Cloud Sect was better looking than him. Upon first look, he felt the other was an ordinary ill but handsome young master, but when the other came close, Cheng Yi became sure this was no ordinary person.

“Huan Zhong is a disciple of Radiance Sect. I have relied greatly on his and Elder Lin’s care in my travel.” Kong Hou introduced Huan Zhong to Cheng Yi. “Huan Zhong is very strong; he knows everything.”

Hearing his little shimei, who he treated like a daughter, praise another male cultivator for being strong, Cheng Yi felt very complicated. However, when he thought of how Little Shimei was able to have a sword cultivator of Radiance Sect accompany her and take care of her, Cheng Yi felt some strange smugness amid the soreness he felt.

As expected of Kong Hou Shimei. Even when travelling outside, nothing could obstruct her.

“Thank you, Path Friend Huan Zhong, for caring for my little shimei.” Cheng Yi bowed and said, “Little *Shimei is young and ignorant; Path Friend has been burdened on this journey.”

Huan Zhong thought, if he was Kong Hou’s shixiong or master, he would be the one thanking an outsider right now, and he would be the one closer to her.

“Path Friend Cheng Yi is too polite. Kong Hou and I are friends, so we should take care of each other. It distances us when we thank each other,” Huan Zhong said. “On this journey, Kong Hou has helped me greatly. If someone has to say thanks, it should be me.”

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