Chapter 14: Foreigners

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Kong Hou spent a few days in seclusion. After reinforcing her mental state and cultivation, she came out of the cave residence. Wearing the beautiful full-length dress Second Shixiong gave her, she jumped onto the flying sword Sect Master Shibo gave her. Kong Hou was extremely excited. This was her first time flying on a sword alone—it was completely different from being lifted by Master or the shixiong from one place to the next.

Yet when she flew into the sky, she found that the flying sword was not as obedient as she thought. She swayed around the sky for a long time before she managed to get the trick. After she could steadily stand on the flying sword, she looked around sneakily. Then she sighed in relief. Good, no one saw her embarrassing herself.

The other members of the sect on the training grounds tried to make their movements seem more natural to keep Kong Hou from knowing they had watched the entire process. The other members who had Base Building cultivation or above all had smiles. When they had reached Base Building back then, they also excitedly jumped onto the flying swords. They could not control their spirit energy well and caused much laughter. The most tragic ones had fallen and broken their noses, which had only grown back with the aid of the Appearance Returning Pill of Daybreak Cloud Peak Master Qing Yuan.

Supposedly, the most reliable Eldest Shixiong Wu Chuan had been extremely awkward when he first started using flying swords. Over time, watching a member of the sect who just reached Base Building learn how to use flying swords became an unspoken little habit of the sect. But everyone was careful. They would watch but they would not laugh and damage the friendship in the sect.

After contentedly watching the spectacle, they sighed ruefully—so when a pentad spirit base reached Base Building, they were not very steady when they used their flying sword for the first time.

Kong Hou carefully controlled the flying sword so it would not hit the rock walls or buildings. She heard Second Shixiong say that Master had once knocked down a house in the sect. While he had not been expelled from the sect, he had been fined a great amount of his monthly allowance. She didn’t want to get spirit stones deducted like Master, so she was careful.

“Kong Hou Shimei.” Ling Hui stood on the stone steps and waved at Kong Hou. There were some other apprentices behind her, both male and female, who were dressed grandly.

Kong Hou saw the disciples she had invited had arrived, and jumped off the flying sword to get to them. “Greetings, Shixiong and Shijie.”

“This dress is really beautiful.” Ling Hui took out a bag of dried fruit from the her storage bag and handed it to Kong Hou. “It even has defensive seal scripts—who was so generous?”

“Second Shixiong gave it to me.” Kong Hou opened the paper bag and threw a bayberry into her mouth. “So delicious. Thank you, Ling Hui Shijie.”

“Cheng Yi and Tan Feng are really spoiling you.” Shixiong were good. Ling Hui turned and looked at the two shidi behind her. Not like these two—she had to worry for them.

The two shidi drew back a few steps under the glare and didn’t dare to look at Ling Hui.

Kong Hou pretended not to see the exchange between the apprentices of Daybreak Cloud Peak. “It’s already late. We should descend the mountain early. I brought along a lot of spirit stones this time—eat as much as you want.”

Ling Hui took out her flying sword and threw it into the sky. She jumped onto the sword and said to her two shidi, “Look at other people’s fellow apprentices, and look at you two.”

The two shidi: “…”

In order to avoid the conflict between the three apprentices due to a few spirit stones, Kong Hou hurriedly said, “The shixiong didn’t give me the spirit stones. Master did.”

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