Chapter 115: Misunderstanding

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When Huan Zhong agreed to be together with her, Kong Hou’s mind lost the ability to think. When she spoke her intentions, she did not consider what would happen if Huan Zhong would refuse. Right now, her mind had no time to fill with joy as she blurted out what she thought.

She and Huan Zhong had been together for more than a year, and she was used to telling him whenever something happened. So at this moment, her habit responded faster than her mind.

“Secretly together, so no one knows we are together?” Huan Zhong looked meaningfully at Kong Hou. While he did not say much, his gaze said a thousand words.

“I do not mean this; I just mean…” Kong Hou’s voice faded. She felt like she was scum that played with love but did not want to take responsibility. “I mean we need to have a gradual process, so our elders can accept us being together. If we abruptly let them know we are in love and they oppose it, would it not hurt feelings on both sides?”

“My master likes you a lot and will not object to us being together.” Huan Zhong looked at Kong Hou. “You don’t have to worry about this.”

Kong Hou licked the corners of her lips guiltily. “I meant the elders on my side. I have joined the sect for less than a decade. No one in three generations of the sect has found a path companion. I need to find time for them to accept you.”

“I understand.” Huan Zhong nodded and rubbed the top of Kong Hou’s head gently. “How would I bear for you to be in conflict?”
The hand on her head was warm and big. As a scum that had just confessed and slighted the other, Kong Hou felt both guilty and sad. She hugged Huan Zhong’s arm and swore, “Do not worry, I will not let you wait long.”

When she said these words, she thought—why does she sound like the playboys in those crass storybooks who lie to the female protagonists?

“All right.” Huan Zhong hugged Kong Hou, his movements as careful as if he was a traveller who finally found the green plains belonging to him—joyful but fearful this was an illusion.

“Huan Zhong, your heart is beating so quickly.”

The tips of Huan Zhong’s ears turned red but he did not release Kong Hou from his arms. “You are not hearing correctly.”

“Really?” Kong Hou rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. She saw that Huan Zhong’s neck was pink and especially attractive to touch, especially… delicious.


Kong Hou giggled and reached out to touch Huan Zhong’s neck. It felt very good.

Huan Zhong hurriedly covered his neck with a hand and held Kong Hou with the other. “Do not be naughty.”

“You agreed to be with me. How is it naughty for me to touch your neck?” Kong Hou originally felt slightly embarrassed, but seeing Huan Zhong’s neck grow redder, her embarrassment disappeared without a trace. She reached with both hands to circle Huan Zhong’s neck. “Or are you lying to me about being together, and you do not like me?”

Hearing these words, Huan Zhong immediately rushed to hold Kong Hou’s waist. “No, you… you can touch.”

He raised his chin like a warrior about to die heroically in battle.

Kong Hou laughed as she reached out with a finger to caress Huan Zhong’s Adam’s apple. Huan Zhong leaned backwards, tickled by Kong Hou’s action. But thinking of Kong Hou’s words, he moved back.

This was a scene of a good man being harassed by a gangster woman and not daring to fight back.

“Kong Hou Shimei, you… what is this?” Wu Chuan was holding a basket of spirit fruits in one hand. Seeing the door to Spirit Master Zhong Xi’s courtyard open, he stepped onto the stairs. Just as he was going to call to Spirit Master Zhong Xi, he saw Spirit Master Zhong Xi with a conflicted expression and a red face being pressed down by Kong Hou Shimei. The handsome young master was being constrained and looked extremely wronged.

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