Chapter #4

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The class had started five or six minutes ago, though the teacher seemed to be annoyed as if someone was late. But, wasn't everyone here? Grian looked around, and while making sure he didn't look anyone directly in the face, he saw an empty seat. It seemed to be a new seat. Was the new kid going to be in his class? Almost on cue, someone knocked on the door. "Come in." The door slowly opened, revealing the new kid. 

"Why are you late, Mr. Goodtime?" The kid's pointed ear twitched. "Um... uh, accidentally slept in. Sorry..." The teacher sighed, "It's fine... I will let you off the hook this one time. For now, I want you to introduce yourself to the class." The new kid seemed to panic after the teacher said that. "Um... All right..." He turned to look at the class, he seemed very anxious to speak to the whole class. 

"Um, My name is Ryan Goodtime, though I prefer to be called Scar and I am an elf/vex hybrid..." The teacher quietly nodded. "All right, does anyone have any questions to ask Scar?" A few students raised their hands, and the teacher called on someone called Amanda, the person who was known for being a massive ass to people and being a pick-me. "Where do you come from cutie?" Scar scrunched his face up, obviously uncomfortable with what she called him. "Um..." The teacher cut Scar off before he could answer. "Amanda! How many times do I have to tell you to not call others that, especially if you don't know them." Amanda just rolled her eyes. 

"Any other questions? Tyler." Tyler, the ass-hole jock of the school. Grian immediately felt bad for Scar when the teacher called on Tyler. "How did you get all of those scars? Is that why people call you 'Scar'?" Scar shifted his weight back and forth. "Um... I got them from a fire incident when I was five... And no, people do not call me 'Scar' because of my scars." Tyler seemed annoyed that he didn't upset Scar. 

"All right, that's enough questions for today. Scar I want you to go sit down behind Grian. Grian, Raise your hand please." Grian quietly raised his hand. Scar's ear twitched and he walked over to where Grian was and sat down behind the avian. For some reason when Scar walked past Grian, an image of someone or something flashed in Grians mind. Though it was blurry, Grian could make out some things in it. He was himself sitting on the floor, reaching out to someone. Though the other person was transparent, he could barely see them. Grian shook his head and quickly went back to listening to what the teacher was saying.

463 words

Anyway, if you haven't already go get something to eat/drink and get some sleep
I hope you have an amazing day/evening/night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

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