Chapter #6

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Most of the classes were over. Grian could only sigh. Thank the Void... Grian was now leading Scar to the lunch room. The taller was quietly humming what sounded like a song, it sounded very familiar... Grian shook his head, they had finally made it to the cafeteria, finally. 

Both walked in and the avian immediately heard his sister's voice. "Oi!! Grian!! Over here!!!" Grian grabbed Scar's wrist and dragged him over to the table. "Ooooh, who's this Gri?" Scott stared at Scar as he had said that. "The new kid... His name is Scar." Pearl smiled at Scar. "My name is Pearl! I am this but-heads older sister!" Grians wing twitched with annoyance. "Ya, older by like five minutes!" 

Grian sighed before looking at Scar, "Me and Pearl are twins." Scar gave a small nod. Now it was Scott's turn to introduce himself. "My name's Scott, I'm the boyfriend of Grians brother." Scar's ears twitched, "How many siblings do you have??" Pearl spoke up before Grian had the chance to answer, "We both have two siblings. It's our older brother, me and Grian, and our younger brother Jimmy, Scott's boyfriend." 

Scar's eyes widened, "Oh my Void... That's a lot of siblings..." Both Grian and Pearl nodded, "Yup..." And that's when they all heard the voices of two people. "Sorry for being late!" Grian turned to see Pearl's crush, Gem, and his best friend, Mumbo. "You guys are fine!" Gem looked to Scar as she and Mumbo sat down. "Are you the new kid?" Scar nodded. Gem smiled, "Well, my name is Gem and the one with that veil is Mumbo. It's nice to meet you!" Scar smiled back at Gem, "My name's Scar! It's nice to meet the both of you as well!"

-Time Skip-

Finally, the last thing we have to do today... P.E. Grian sighed as he changed into his P.E. outfit. He never really liked P.E., especially after when he was in Japan... Grian shook his head. Nope, not thinking of that again... The avian turned around and saw the ass-hole himself, Tyler... Grian stiffened, how long had Tyler been there...? Grians fluffed up his wings in defense. 

"What do you want, Tyler...?" The other smirked before walking over to Grian and pinning him against the wall (not the wall again dude, come on). Grian shook a bit, fear hit him like a wave. Just as Tyler was about to "touch" Grian, there was a knock on the door. "Grian? Are you almost done?" Grian immediately took this as a chance, "SCAR!!"

-Scar POV (Sort Of)-

A muffled yell came from inside the Locker Room. Scar froze for a moment, it was Grian. Scar quickly went inside and saw Tyler pinning Grian against the wall. It looked like Tyler was about to touch Grian's wings. Oh, HELL no. Scar walked over, grabbed Tyler by his collar, and kicked him in the stomach. Tyler fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Scar grabbed Grian and dragged him out of the Locker Room. Once out, Scar turned towards Grian. "Are you all right Gri?" Scar's voice was gentle, knowing Grian was most likely shaken up by what had happened. "U-um... Yes..." Grian's voice shook as he spoke. Before either one could say anything else, they heard the coach calling for them. 

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Anyways, if you haven't already, go get something to eat/drink and go get some sleep
I hope all of you have a wonderful day evening night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

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