Chapter #10

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"OI!! BRATS!!! YOUR BROTHER IS HERE!!!!" Grian felt a wave of happiness immediately wash over him. He quickly got up and ran to the front door. In front of the door was Philza. Pearl had beat Grian to the door, as she was already hugging Phil. "It's so good to see you again, Phil!!!" Their older brother just laughed in response. "It's good to see you too, Pearl!" Pearl let go of her brother and moved so that Grian could hug Phil. The taller man put his arms out for Grian, who then ran into Phil's arms. Grian buried his face in Phil's neck, which made Phil laugh again. "I missed you too, Gri." 

Grian just smiled and pushed his face deeper into Phil's neck. The pair stayed like this for about a minute, before their father interrupted them. "Oi, when can I see my grandkids!?" Phil sent a glare toward their Dad. "You know... I thought you would understand being told 'no' but then I remember the kind of shit you do." Just as their father was about to yell at Phil, the crow avian interrupted him. "Gri, Pearl, how bout you two go and get your things? Both of you are going to live with me and Kristin for a bit." As the twins went upstairs, they could hear Phil and their father yelling at each other. Grian walked into his room and started to pack his things, which he didn't have that much of... The avian's wing twitched as he heard his phone go off. He reached over and grabbed it, turning it on in the process.

-HotGuy <3: Hey My Light!! How are u :]

-Light Of Scars Life: *you*
-Light Of Scars Life: I'm good Scar, how are you?

-HotGuy <3: I would be better if you didn't correct me...
-HotGuy <3: :[
-HotGuy <3: Anyways, you wanna hang out?

-Light Of Scars Life: Sorry, can't today, I'm moving into my older brother's house...

-HotGuy <3: Oh... Well...
-HotGuy <3: Can you send me where it is so then I can visit later?

-Light Of Scars Life: How bout this...

-Light Of Scars Life: I'll send you where it is later, and later you can visit

-Light Of Scars Life: That sounds good to you?

-HotGuy <3: Ok...
Read at 7:13 PM

Grian couldn't help but smile at Scars' messages. Geez... I really do like Scar, huh? Grian shook his head. Sweet dear Void... FOCUS GRIAN! For now, I need to focus... I can think about Scar later. Grian put the rest of his stuff into his bag before going back downstairs. There wasn't any more yelling, so that was a plus. Grian's father had collapsed on the couch, while Phil and Pearl were waiting for Grian. 

As the three walked out of the house, Phil spoke up, "There you are Gri! What took you so long?" Grian felt his face heat up at the question. As he was getting his stuff into the car, Pearl answered for him, "I think Grian is thinking about his boyfriend~" Grian threw his parrot plush at Pearl, who just laughed and threw it back at Grian. "Boyfriend?" Grian just shook his head as he climbed into the car. Pearl, who was already sitting in the car, answered Phil's confusion. 

"Yeah, about two or three weeks ago, Grian got himself a boyfriend!" Grian kicked the chair Pearl was sitting in. "Scar is NOT my boyfriend!!! He and I are just good friends." A small chuckle came from Pearl. "Yeah, good boyfriends." Grian kicked Pearl's chair again and the two continued to go back and forth. Soon, Phil butted into the conversation, "Alright, alright!! First, can the both of you come down? Second, we are here. And third, Grian, you have to introduce me and Kristin to this 'boyfriend', understand?" Grian let out a sigh of defeat before nodding. 

647 words

Anyway, if you haven't already go get something to eat/drink and get some sleep
I hope you have an amazing day/evening/night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

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