Chapter #8

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TW: Cursing, attempted SA, and mention of blood


Grian slowly opened his eyes, as he had woken up to meowing. It's most likely Jellie... When Grian had his eyes open all the way, he realized that there was a weight on top of him. When he looked down he saw Scar with his face buried into Grians lower stomach. The avians felt their face start to heat up at the sight of Scar on top of them. Grian wasn't exactly sure how to get up. I mean... Does he wake Scar up? Or does he let the taller sleep? 

Thankfully for Grian, he didn't have to do either of them. Scar quietly hummed as he woke up. Grian watched as Scar's eyes started to flutter open. Oh, my Void... He looks so fucking beautiful... Scar was now fully awake, but his eyes were still closed. It looked like he wouldn't be leaving that spot any time soon. "U-um... Scar...? Could you, um..." Scar glanced up at Grian. The elf hummed at Grians question. "Hm... No. It's comfy here~" Grians face turned as red as his sweater. 

Scar couldn't help but laugh at Grians reaction. "Ok...Ok, I'll get up!" Scar lifted himself off of Grian and, to be completely honest, Grian would be lying if he said he didn't immediately miss the feeling of Scar laying on top of him. "So... Uh... Do we have school today?" Grian shook his head as he sat up. "No, not today... Thank the Void...." Scar nodded, laughing as he agreed. "So what do you wanna do? Or do you need to go back home...?" Grians smile quickly disappeared from his face. "I... I should probably go home... Sorry..." 

Scar gave Grian a small smile, "Hey, it's okay Gri! We can hang out another time!" Scar had the biggest smile on his face. In return, Grian gave Scar a sort of weak smile, as he was not excited about having to go home. "Uh... Do you want me to walk you home?" Grian quickly shook his head. "N-NO! U-um... No, I'll be fine Scar...!" Scar looked surprised by the way Grian raised his voice. "Oh... Um... Ok." Grian immediately felt bad for yelling. "S-sorry..." Scar just shook his head and gave Grian another smile. "You're fine...! Um... How bout I walk you to the door? So then we can talk for a little longer!" Grian nodded, "Ok..."

-Small Time Skip-

Grian was now on his way to his house. He was not ready to be yelled at by his father... Speaking of which... Grian pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned it on.


40 missed calls

30 missed messages


Grian sighed. Well... This'll be fun.... Grian stuffed his phone back into his pocket. He continued walking back home. Well... That was until someone grabbed him and pulled him into an ally. Grian let out a muffled scream, as the person had covered Grians mouth when they grabbed him. 

"God, will you shut up!?! I just wanna have some fun~" Grian immeadiatly recognized the persons voice. It was Tyler... Grian struggled to get out of Tylers grasp. In response, Tyler turned Grian around and kissed him. The avian had tears running down his face as he tried to push the other off of him. The pair heard someone clear their throat. Tyler pulled away to look at who the person was. They looked familiar, but Grian couldn't place where he had seen them before. 

The person wore a red cloak with the hood pulled over their head. Under the cloak their wore what seemed to be a white shirt and some black pants. They also had a pure white mask over their face. The mask covered their entire face. On the mask there was what seemed to be a golden totem of undying painted onto it. The only parts of the person you could see were their hands and neck, everything else was covered by clothing. They had vex-like wings, tail, and horns. 

"The fuck do you want weirdo!?" The persons tail twitched. And that's when they spoke. Their voice was both horrifying and, in Grians opinion, hot. "I want you to let go of that boy..." Tyler scoffed, "And what are ya gonna do if I don't, huh?" The person just laughed at Tyler. "Hard way it is then..." Just by listening to the persons voice, you could tell that they were smirking under their mask. The out of nowhere, Tyler was thrown to the end of the alleyway. 

Blood dripped down Tylers head and neck. Grians whole body shook and he quickly looked back to the person, who was laughing like a maniac might I add. "Oh... That was beautiful!! Did you see your face! That was hilarious!!" The person continued to laugh their head off. By this point Tyler had run off. Grian glanced down at his necklace. It was a Totem of Undying locket. Wait... Grians mother had given him this necklace before she had died. He had learned years after her death that she worshipped the God of Eternal Life. Grian looked back at the person. The avians eyes widened. There is no fucking way that their the God of Eternal Life... 

883 words

Anyway, if you haven't already go get something to eat/drink and get some sleep
I hope you have an amazing day/evening/night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

A Reincarnated God?//ON HIATUS//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon