Chapter 37

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The person who shouted ran away, Wang Feng and Wang Li were slightly stunned in their tense moods, but also strangely calmed down a lot. There are more patrol teams on the street, like three steps, one post, five steps, one sentry.

  The two siblings ran for a while, and found that there was no one following behind them. The two of them went home cautiously and changed into simple and low-key clothes, and then touched the big square again.

  The former fitness plaza is now the safest and most well-informed place. In less than an hour, Dr. Su had delivered eleven clean crystal nuclei. He heard that as long as they have done good deeds and have a kind heart, Dr. Su will reward them with a crystal nucleus.
  Well, this weird feeling that it was something that man would do made Wang Feng and Wang Li look at each other again. The trend of cultivating saints at No. 4 security point seems to be unstoppable.

  Su Yunxi has no intention of stopping the distribution of 'rewards'. In the next three or four days, he will go out from time to time. For all those who he saw doing good deeds, or those who were confirmed to have done good deeds after investigation by the Ministry of Public Security, he would not hesitate to reward the other party with one or two clean crystal nuclei.

  For Su Yunxi who can purify 70 crystal nuclei a day, this consumption is really drizzle. Even Li Sansheng and others began to wonder if they had misunderstood Su Yunxi on weekdays. When Su Yunxi was such a self-sacrificing person, the atmosphere at No. 4 security point changed.

  Harmony, warmth, mutual help and mutual love, walking on the street on weekdays, and even the elderly are being helped when they cross the road. None of the children at the door will go hungry, and there are more teams going out to fight zombies. Not only that, after the Ministry of Public Security began to exchange seeds, those wood ability users who had worked hard to upgrade by spawning weeds and those hiding water ability users sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

  More people paid materials to the base, and more people sold materials to the base at a reasonable price. However, in just three or four days, the material warehouse that was almost empty before was finally no longer unable to make ends meet, and began to return and warm up.

  Su Yunxi also took the opportunity to move some of the food out of the space, freeing up a lot of space for himself. Unknowingly, the transfer speed of the survivors at the No. 4 security point was stopped. After all, there is no need to be afraid of starving to death here.

  Fortunately, the Ministry of Public Security came forward directly and announced that there were many signs of second-level mutated animal activities in the botanical garden less than an hour's drive from the safe point, which did not cause problems with the official transfer plan.

  The apocalypse is only two months away. Human beings don't talk about the whole country, they just talk about Haicheng City. Now there are only a handful of second-level ability users on the surface. If it weren't for this, Su Yunxi, a second-level ability user, wouldn't have gained such a strong appeal and trust.

  The number and extent of abilities that a first-level ability user can use are very limited. For example, those offensive ability users like fire ability user need to rest for no less than an hour before continuing to fight after releasing ten small fireballs at a time.

  As for the small fireballs the size of a baby's fist, even if they all hit the heads of the first-level zombies, it would take five, six, seven or even ten times to kill a zombie.

  The power of a group is great, but the power of an individual is still small for the time being. Although they haven't seen a second-level mutated animal with their own eyes, it can definitely crush the strength of a first-level ability users, and it is enough to frighten all sane people.

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