Chapter 35 Hide and Seek

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Thank god my bedroom is in ground floor, I jump out of the window after taking my car key and purse. I legit cannot believe what has my life come to.

I get onto my car as I start the vehicle and was about to turn out of the gate, I hear my name being screamed and a frustrated and tired James runs after my car.

I press the brake down to slow down as I take the turn and he stops and a look of relief flushes over him. But then I speed up and go out of the gates without looking back.

Not knowing where to go and whom to ask. Several questions swirl in my mind as my car goes on it's own to a location that somehow became my safe haven from this bitter reality.

As I step into the doctor's room of our department my junior resident, Dr. Evans, looks at me confusedly as he rubs his eyes, thinking I am just an illusion his mind has cooked up and goes back to sleep. I won't blame him as I am in my pajamas and for sure as hell I have never been in the hospital for an extra minute after my duty gets over.

I smile at his reaction and take the numerous pile of files in his desk that he is using as a pillow to rest on and start writing down the operation notes and discharge summary of patients we attended to this morning.

After an hour of doing these works, I exchange the not opened energy can on his  desk with a protein bar from the snacks station and take gulps of the said energy drink as I enter the changing room of operation theater.

As I put on my scrubs I scroll through the hospital database to see if I can assist or do any surgeries this hour. As the clock flashes six am, an emergency OT procedure of acute appendicitis comes in and I rush out to the concerned OT to scrub in.

After that hours pass by, after numerous procedures, I was doing the wound debridement in the minor OT. A nurse rushes in with my phone, saying it's urgent. I ask her whose on the line mindlessly and I hear a deep voice scream, "Emma why the hell are you in the hospital of all places in the world?" I immediately signal the nurse to cut the call and when she was looking at me confusedly. I hold back a huff and remove my gloves in lightening speed and cut the call, I glare at her and she smiles at me dearly and says, "It's normal to have problems in new marriage. Take it from me dear, go get your man!" The old nurse tells with a smile and a pat on my back.

I just smile and shrug it off and complete the procedure when I place the last plaster to secure the bandage, my junior resident who was sleeping his life away hours ago, runs towards me saying, "Ma'am why are you here, aren't you on your study vacation? Your exam is in a week!"

I smile at him and reply, "It's not in a week, it's over, it was like pre-finals. Main exams are in four months."

He nods his head and that's when our conversation is cut short by a nurse.

She says, "Dr.Thompson, your husband is in the waiting area for the past half an hour. He asked me to tell you to meet him as soon as you are done with the procedure."

I lost all color of my face, when I hear a confused chuckle from Dr. Evans, "Nurse I think you got the wrong doctor, Dr. Thompson is not married. What are you talking about?"

I just ignore his comment and discard the stained gloves, I rush towards the nurse before that I turn towards Dr. Evans and say, "Take him to his room, I will have to attend some more patients. There is an hernioplasty for Mrs. Melinda at 8 am please scrub in and intimate the anesthesia team and OT nurses regarding the procedure I will be there in five minutes."

He looks at me as if I have grown another head, "But isn't she unit head sir's patient, why are we doing it?"

I give him a glare and say loudly, "Please do as I say, our unit head is on leave for the next two days. Don't you read the messages of our department group chat." Panic and fear glistens on his face with the change in tone of my voice.

He immediately takes his phone and starts making the necessary calls as it was already 7:30 am. He rushes outside with the patient to the his room and I turn towards the nurse and say, "Please tell Mr. Carter to leave the premises as I am busy and please don't refer him as my husband ever again."

Before she could reply, I turned on my heels and left to the OT.

After two hours, I fall onto the couch in the OT waiting area, when I switch on my phone, numerous messages and calls flood the screen.

As I go through each one of them, my panic and blood pressure shoots up.

In no time, I rush out of the OT after changing from my scrubs into my extra pair of work attire.

But before I could get into the car an arm encircles my waist and a cloth is placed on my face.

Muscle weakness spreads all over my body before I could scream, exhaustion and fear comes into play as the last message I read from my father, flashes onto my mind, 'What the hell Emma? Where are you? James got into a car accident.' I close my eyes and fall into another deep slumber.


Hello my lovely readers! Hope you are having or had a wonderful day. I am in creative over drive so please expect surprise updates over the next few days.

P.S: I think you have to thank my upcoming exams for this. Please pray for me. Only god can help me to pass these exams.

With lots of love

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