Chapter 13 Huh really?

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After 15 minutes of vigorous examination and questions being asked, my doctor whose name is Justin has left me alone with his pack of nurses. I am shocked or rather to be said confused is the right word, I just lay back in my pillow and stared at the white ceiling. The door of my room opened with a bang and there came James followed by Emily, both were arguing and bickering. Their voice was increasing with each word, not able to take in. I slam my fists on the bed and try to scream "Can you guys shut up already!"

James and Emily turn their heads to me, their faces are a comical and looking at their face my lips slowly turn upwards. But trying to prove my point I try to scrunch up my face and try to be angry as possible. I say, "Do you guys have any idea why I am here? Huh?"

Emily tries to open her mouth, but she is interrupted by the loud obnoxious voice of James, "Emma, I don't know about your best friend, but I did have the sense to ask the doc regarding it, it seems your BP shot up and you started..." he starts moving his hand weirdly.

I gave him a flat look and he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Started bleeding from your nose!" I start nodding my head, though I was already said about all the technical talk from Dr. Justin. Hearing it from someone else's mouth is making the situation more real. I feel a headache slowly developing around my temples. I just lay back and rest my eyes, I feel my bed dip and I open to see two concerned eyes looking down. I place my hands over cold fingers of my dear friend Emily.

I feel tears falling on my hand and I look up to see the teary eyes of her. Shaking my head I wipe off her tears. With red eyes and puffy nose, my beautiful friend says, "Em I got so worried, do you know that? It was like.."

A loud sob escapes her mouth and I control the tear burning my eyes. I hear a chair screech and I see James sitting on a metal stool. With his expensive suit, seeing him sit on a small stool, was little funny. A small chuckle escapes my mouth; he raises his perfectly arched eyebrows. Sudden arms engulf me; I look up to see my then upright friend to be down engulfing me into a tight hug.

I hear some loud clapping, "Wow should I take a video or something? Post it maybe in online?" Emily scoffs, getting up and says "Technically it must be you here but it's me, so either get out or just shut the hell up!"

I mentally slap at the blunt words of my dear friend. I pinch her hands for which the drama queen she is jumps off the bed rubbing her hand vigoursly. I turn to look up at James who seemed to be in deep thought. Shaking my hands in front of his face he looks at me as if he was seeing an alien. Giving him "are you kidding" me look, I say "What cat caught your tongue Mr. Know it all?"

"Seriously that's your comeback, it was that I was wondering about something Mrs. Know it all?" he winks at me while saying the last part. Involuntarily I feel my face to burn; I can hear a small sneer from the other side.

Not knowing what to do, I say "Ha Ha very funny, what were you wondering by the way?"

"Nothing just that, one point we were arguing and the next moment you started having a bloody nose and you fucking fainted!"

Not able to control my laughter seeing the pained confused look that he was mastering currently I throw my head back and start laughing so loudly.

I see light color to be spreading along his neck and face, even a vein starts protruding from his forehead. I sober up looking at his expression.

Seeing my change of expression, he gets up from his uncomfortable stool buttoning up his coat. He says, "Ok clearly you are out of your mind, or that the drugs that they gave is acting up on you, I will have to talk later with you or just get the hell out of here before I lose my goddamn mind." He mutters the last words and starts walking towards the door.

Before I could say something , I awarded by the loud bang of the door. Sighing I turn to Emily, who is having a very amused look.

I ask, "What?"

She shrugs and swipes her phone from her pocket and starts typing away.


Finally stepping into the wooden floors of my penthouse, a satisfied smile spreads over my lips. The smell of my favourite tomato soup adorns my nostrils. Being confused and little alarmed I walk towards my kitchen suspiciously. On my way I take up the glass Mickey Mouse showpiece. Clenching my current weapon I start walking towards my intruder. Lots of thoughts swirl over my minds. The logical part of my mind screams at my stupidity, making me want to run towards my door.

But my adventurous side jumps in joy and anticipation to come to its show. Following the latter I walk towards the inevitable.

I hear the pots being clashed and water running, without any other thought I jump right in front of the kitchen ready to throw my favourite piece at the intruder.

I hear a deep chuckle followed by a voice says, "Wow Ems is that the way you welcome in your best friend or rather to say....?"

I open up my mouth to say something, within seconds I am engulfed into a tight hug second time today, but unlike the first one I melt into these arms. My eyes starts to water uncontrollably, I clutch onto his apron like my life depended on it and start sobbing onto his shirt. 


Hey my lovely readers, sorry I left you guys just like that. College was being a pain! Happy New Year! Please let me know your valuable suggestions and comments on this chapter!

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