Chapter 36 Hostage situation

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I open my eyes suddenly to a loud sound, I shut it as I open as there a straight beam of light from above.

I am able to feel a cloth stuffed into my mouth and I my throat is feeling dry and scratchy. My hands are tied tightly from behind to the chair. I start screaming but I can hear it like someone gasping for life with no sound the things sink in as for a while I was just thinking I am in a bad dream.

The door opens and a man enters who is wearing an expensive three piece black suit, his face seemed familiar but I am not able to pin point. As he comes and stands in front of me, I still see him quietly with my eyes wide open and my mind working in full speed to recognize him.

He smiles genuinely and says, "Hello Mrs. Carter it is pleasure to meet you! I hope you remember me?"

Confused I wanted to kick my legs but find that it's tied to both the legs of the chair. He sees me struggling and takes a step back and say, "Oh my god where is my manners? I am George Wells. Ring a bell. How can it? The last time I saw you, you were Dr. Thompson but today you are Mrs. Carter to me." He smiles evilly and the sudden change of expression makes me feel very scared and my heart beat starts raising. he takes the gag off my mouth.

I close my eyes and that's when the words he said now give me a sense of familiarity and I open my eyes with realization and fear and think in my mind, 'Shit, he is Alex's boss, apparent friend of my dad!"

The guy who legit has some bad blood with James, oh no! What the hell? Three months into marriage and my husband's enemies become mine too.

The sudden thought I thinking for a sudden he is my husband gives and after taste behind my throat. I don't know if that's the reason or this one meter of dirt cloth that is stuffed till my esophagus.

He snaps his finger in front of eyes, "So now that we have established connection and exchanged pleasantries. Shall we get to business?"

I just give him a look and say, "I am sorry to say, if you think by kidnapping me, you will get some money from James. I am sure he will be happy to toss me out with the fist opportunity he gets."

Now its time for George to give me a look, he says, "I knew you would be the dumb kind, but not his dumb.I mean aren't you a doctor?"

I just simply keep giving him a blank stare, he continues with shrugging his shoulders, "I don't want your stupid money, I have enough and more. What I need cannot be given to me in physical form, its something much more than that."

After he tells this, his eyes has this look that gives creepy in capital letters and suddenly. get conscious of the setting. Is he after me, my body?

Before my mind could conjure up some awful reasons, he continues as he walks towards to the window facing the sky. Oh my god, don't tell me he is a fellow with grandeur delusion like he believes himself to be some mafia leader or something like that.

"Actually James and I go way back, i met him when he was only five years old. He was not like other kids of his age, he had an eye of a tiger, he was always observant and made keen observations and act accordingly to the situation. His mother was very fond of him, after all he was their love child, after several abortions and infertility treatment he was born to them. Sadly due to all those treatment and their side effects she died when he was seven years old. The two years i knew him, I was truly fascinated by him and his actions. do you know that he is bisexual?" he asks me suddenly and I nod my head mindlessly as i was processing all the information he just said.

"I mean, of course you would know, he is a very proud man of the LGBTQ community, a very known activist on the same regard as well. He is part of many organisations and helps many children across US. Actually he identified himself as bisexual when he was only five years old, i still remember the incident, as it was his birthday. His mom was running here and there doing the necessary arrangements. He came silently and then pulled her dress and as she went down to carry him, he simply raised his hand and then said, "Mumma I think I am gay!" God! that poor woman was embarrassed and confused, she took him to the side and explained him. Then after cake cutting when all the friends and family were having dinner. This small boy got onto the table, aS usual we just thought he was being a kid and goofing around. Nut then he took a glass and did a perfect toast ring and then said, "I think I am bisexual!" Then silently he got down and started eating as if he didn't do anything. His father back then was very strict at once he took him to the room and gave him a good beating. But eventually they all accepted, I mean its James Carter, no one can say no to him."

With a small smile on my face,  listen to the story, thousands of questions arise in my mind about the fact that why is he telling me all of these. Plus why the fuck I am tied to a chair with rope. Before i could ask him, he says, "You might be wondering why am I telling you all of these." I nod my head and look at him keenly.

He turns around and comes closer to me and his face is in same level as mine, i move my head back, he smiles evily at my discomfort.

"Darling, your husband is a married man!", he says and starts laughing. I look at him as if he has grown another head, of course, he is, he is married to me.

"Oh my god, Emma? Are you thinking its you? What a poor soul you are, such a naive and innocent girl in the hands of the devil. My child, he is married to a man, Alex , my secretary. I think you know him, he was your patient after all!" His deep laugh resonates through the entire room, my heart beat increases and cold sweat forms on my forehead.

I beg your pardon! What the fuck did he just say?

Hello my lovelies!
Hope you all are having or had an amazing day!
Lots of love

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