Chapter 21 Good Friend

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I start dialing that one person who I know would give me the comfort that I needed now.

Emily and I have a relationship that does not require us to put so much effort on.

She being a successful lawyer and my crazy duty hours has made it impossible for us to meet. Also, we most of the time talk via texts rather than call.

So when I called now being curled up in my bed. My voice all muffled and heavy.
I hear her ask,
"Emma are you fucking crying?"

Hearing her voice and the concern underlining, I couldn't help as my sobs becoming louder.

"Emma, don't this to me, if I was there in California I would have surely come to your house now in this instant. And personally murdered whoever made you sad. Though you are such a softie, maybe you are sobbing cause you saw cute cat videos."

Her attempt to humor, makes me to leave out a dry chuckle.

After being a little sobered up, but still hurt due to betrayal I say, "Em, I really want to see you now? I wish you were here."

I hear a deep sigh and a little ruffle.

"Girl, don't talk all mushy like that. The guy in my bed, is clearly not getting the seriousness."

I hear a loud smack, and following words haunting words from Emily, "Behave ok!"

I just couldn't believe I really heard that. Shaking my head, I was about to cut the call.

When I hear a stern voice say, "Dare you cut the call Emma! Now tell me what's the matter. The disturbance is taken care of."

"Emily, I am so sorry, I really feel like a major cock-blocker now. We can talk tomorrow morning maybe. But if you are busy..."

Before I could complete the sentence, she interrupts, "Emma, please, talk!"

That's what really broke me. I start telling her about everything. Like from Adam's weird behavior, James being a pain in the ass and my parents just seeing me as a commodity. Though I am not getting sold or anything of that sort, I fucking feel like a contract being closed. Rather, than their child.

I start sobbing and hiccuping when I start talking about my grandma. Her betrayal is the worst. I really thought all this time she is the only one who understands me truly.

After my emotional of a ramble, I hear a pause and soothing voice of Emily, "Emma, I really don't know what to say to you right now. Which you know is such a shocker cause I always have something to say. You know cause I am a lawyer and all."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her comment.

She continues, "But Emma, I will say you one thing, hear loud and clear. Its your life. You are the one who is living it. I know how your family is important for you. But before all that, you should be the first one in your priority list. Not anyone else. Whether it's your career or your family. All those are for you, it's for your happiness and it's for you. As you retire for the night everyday, you gotta be thinking, am I happy? Am I doing the right thing? Am I satisfied? Always the answer to all of those questions should be a big fat yes. Unapologetically, it should be a fucking yes. I know, how selfless you become sometimes, actually to be honest you are the most selfless person I ever know. You always put others opinions and comfort before yours. But, it's perfectly fine to be selfish at sometimes. Because, girl, end of the day happiness is from within and not from others."

She completes with a huff, for few seconds I stay still. Trying to comprehend, that this, is my friend Emily, ladies and gentlemen. Whatever and wherever she is, she always gives me the best damn advice.

"Hey, I give you a very long ass speech and all the response that I get is null?" She jokes.

I smile and reply genuinely, "You know I love you, Emily!"

"Aww, I love you too Ems! Ok now that guy in my bed really requires some attention. Before he starts crying like a hysteric love sick pup. Gotta go bubs! I hope you know what to do?"

She asks the last question sternly but at the same time softly, I mindlessly nod and say a yes. As the random pieces start to finally fall into its place.


I turn to now anxious looking Alex, who is looking like he is about to shit his pants.

Politely I smile and I nod my head for him to continue.

"Everything is done right! I followed all the instructions nurse Maria said. But, if you don't mind can you elaborate the procedure one last time?"

I smile and start explaining now for the tenth time the entire process. It's a small procedure of tonsillectomy.

But I am not shocked, most of the patients are angsty like Alex. It's our duty as doctors to always make our patients feel comfortable and well versed with all the information they want to know.

I couldn't help but I ask him, "Hey? I know it's not my place to ask you this. But, how's James? How have you two been?"

Blush creeps in almost immediately on his pale face in the mention of his name. I couldn't help but chuckle at his shyness.

He simply looks down and replies, "There is nothing like that Emma! James is just you know..."

I try to complete the sentence by saying, "Infuriating?"
After my last word of choice, makes us both to start laughing so loudly.

After we get sobered up from the laugh, Alex is rushed into the operation theater.

While giving the anesthesia, I was standing next to him the entire time. Cause he started being a little to scared.

The procedure lasted for an hour. After the operation, I start walking towards the wards for the general rounds.

That's when I see a person who I least expected to be there. Among all the running staff and patients, there James is walking across the room as usual as if like he is owning the place.

Rolling my eyes, I start to read the patient's chart.

I hear my name being called, very well knowing who it is. I take my own sweet time to turn and respond.

Satisfied smile spreads on my lips as I see his annoyed face. Mentally giving myself a pat for being successful in irking him.

I stand there crossing my arms.

He clears his throat and asks, "Where is Alex? I heard he was scheduled for an operation."

I say, "Aww! Someone is concerned. But, one thing, are you dumb?"

He gets a little taken a back by me response.

I continue, "Do I look like a freaking receptionist for you?"

Realization hits him, but soon he covers up at that emotion with a more unlikely emotion.

I couldn't believe my eyes, there the great James is scratching his neck looking completely flustered and embarrassed?

What am I even seeing?

After seeing my surprised expression he sobers a little and tells with more firm and stern voice, "Haha! Very funny Emma! I just saw you and he was saying that you are his reference doctor. That's why I was asking."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and direct him to the receptionist.

But, somewhere his actions were making me a little suspicious. He seemed to be acting very weird anything related to Alex comes up. I push away the thought as I tell myself, maybe, he is really concerned or maybe he genuinely likes Alex.

Still my mind couldn't be in ease.

Hello lovely readers!
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
I will try to be more regular in updating this week, as it's my birthday week.

I have been working on my new book lately, "Maya's crush". If you have time; please check that out.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

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