Kelly Severide - First Date

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A/N: Hi, this is my first published piece so please leave feedback and requests!
A/N (18/02/24): This was my first piece but it's so bad haha

TW: Brief mentions of an abusive relationship.

Y/N had moved to Chicago around a year ago, after breaking up with her abusive ex in San Diego. She hadn't been on the dating scene for a while and wasn't exactly planning on getting back out there soon. Yet when she stumbled across a car boot sale at Firehouse 51, she managed to get the number of the very handsome squad lieutenant, Kelly Severide.

The two had been texting back and forth for a month until Kelly finally asked Y/N out to dinner. She was very hesitant to go, however she needed to get herself out there again and not let the things her ex boyfriend did scare her from building a life here in Chicago.

And now we were here. Y/N stood in front of her mirror in her long black coat, plaid skirt, black top and heeled boots, triple checking her outfit before Kelly arrived to pick her up. Soon enough, she heard the sound of Kelly's Mustang and shortly after, he was knocking on her door. Taking in a deep breath, she opened her door and was met with a smiling Kelly Severide in his black leather jacket holding a beautiful bunch of lillies (her favourite)!

"Wow you look beautiful!" Complemented Kelly as he handed Y/N the flowers, still stood on her doorstep.
She blushed a little before taking the flowers off him and replying with a very shy "Thank you Kelly."
There was a small silence as the two smiled at each other before Y/N invited him inside so she could put the flowers in a vase. Kelly made his way into the house and followed Y/N to the kitchen where she grabbed a vase and put the flowers in before placing them on the dining room table.

It was 6:30pm and the reservations at the restaurant were at 7pm so Kelly led Y/N out to his car and opened the passenger door for her before climbing in the other side.
They engaged in casual talk on the way to the restaurant and by the time they got there Y/N had opened up a bit and was comfortable coming out her shell a little more around Kelly.

Once they arrived in the restaurant, the waiter showed Kelly and Y/N to their seats and Kelly pulled out the chair for Y/N as they sat down.

"Wow Kelly! This restaurant is so fancy. How did you get a reservation here?"
"It pays to be the lieutenant of the best rescue squad in Chicago," Kelly replied.
Y/N raised her eyebrow as though she didn't believe him.
"Hmm really Kelly...?"
"Okay you caught me... I came in my turnout gear... in the squad truck. But I wasn't wrong! Squad 3 is the best rescue squad in all of Chicago."
"If you say so," Y/N grinned.

The two had a lovely evening together and Y/N was able to briefly open up about her ex boyfriend and why she struggled with dating; Kelly was so understanding and it didn't go unnoticed. He even paid for the food (against Y/N's wishes) and they walked out the restaurant hand in hand.

On the way home, Kelly smoothly slipped his hand on to Y/N's thigh, who slowly brought her hand towards his for the remainder of the drive home in a comfortable silence; Y/N's heart racing ever so slightly. Kelly walked Y/N to the door.

"I had a lovely evening, thank you Kelly," said Y/N
"Thank you for letting me take you out after so long; I really hope we can do it again soon," replied Kelly.
"I'd love to," said Y/N as she kissed Kelly's cheek
"See you soon Y/N, I'll text you!"
And with that, Y/N entered the house giving Kelly a wave as he drove off in his Mustang.

It had barely been 20 minutes and Y/N had already received a text from Kelly.

So... when are we going on our second date? xx

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