Jay Halstead - Baby pt2

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A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed part 1!! This part is twice as long (I'm so sorry!!) but I hope you like it <3

TW: difficulties getting pregnant, nausea and mentions vomiting - not in excessive detail

It had been a few months since the conversation Jay and Y/N had about babies and they had been actively trying for a while now, however no luck just yet. Y/N stopped taking her birth control, yet that it meant her cycles were slightly irregular.

"Another negative Jay," Y/N sighed sounding disheartened, showing Jay the third negative pregnancy test this month.
"Aww baby, it's okay, we're still young and it will happen soon, I promise," Jay reassured her, hugging her and kissing Y/N's forehead.
He heard her sniffle a little as she buried her head further into his chest and just held her for longer, running his hands up and down her back, leaving light kisses in her hair.

2 months later

After another 6 negative tests, Jay and Y/N decided to put the pressure off getting pregnant and focused on enjoying their intimate times together but they still weren't using any protection.

One early morning, Y/N and Jay were cuddled up in bed together before Jay had to go to work, when all of a sudden, a wave of nausea came over Y/N and she darted to the bathroom emptying the contents of her stomach in the toilet, groaning from the discomfort of it all. Jay was quick to run after her and knelt beside her, rubbing soothing circles on her back whilst also holding back her hair.

"Baby, are you okay? What happened?" Asked a worried Jay once Y/N had flushed the toilet, still rubbing circles on her lower back.
"Ugh," she groaned. "I don't know babe, I was fine and then this wave just came over me. I feel a bit better now but I just feel exhausted, like I could sleep for a week!"
"Aww baby, I hope you're not coming down with something, do you want to go and see Will and see what might be wrong?"
"Maybe, but right now I just want to go back to sleep," she replied.

Jay helped his wife up and led her back to their bed after she rinsed her mouth, giving her a little peck on the forehead before getting ready for work.
It was an hour later and Jay felt bad for waking Y/N up  but he wanted to make sure she was okay before he left.

"Baby," he said calmly as he gently shook her awake.
"Hmm?" She groaned.
"How are you feeling now? I'm about to leave for work, is there anything you need, water, food? Do you want me to stay home?"
"Nuh uh, just want sleep," she yawned, before rolling over on to her front pressing her face further into the pillow.
Jay chuckled at his wife's response.
"Okay baby, I love you, please call me if you feel any worse." He gave her another kiss before grabbing her some water anyway and leaving it on the nightstand before he left the house.

Y/N was still asleep until a few hours later at around 2pm. She knew Jay wouldn't be back for at least 3 hours so she decided to do some errands around the house and go grocery shopping.
The different smells in the store were triggering her nausea but luckily not to the point where she got sick again. She ended up walking past the baby clothes and the feelings of longing which never truly left, came rushing back to the forefront of her mind. She was stood in the middle of the store, staring at baby clothes when she realised some of her symptoms from earlier - the sickness, nausea and fatigue - could possibly be signs of pregnancy! This got her feeling excited; but then she was really worried because of the heartbreak and disappointment of the tests being negative.
She paid for the groceries and made her way back home, distracted, still thinking about the possibility of her being pregnant. Y/N decided she would take a test but only when Jay was home - there were a few spares lying around the house.

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