Kelly Severide - You're Beautiful

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A/N: This was requested! Y/N and Kelly are going on their first date night since having their baby girl but Y/N feels insecure and the words that Kelly's ex said to her in the past soon come flooding back.
This is different but really sweet! hope you enjoy <3

TW: body issues, body shaming (in a flashback)

"Hey baby, Matt and Gabby will be over at 6:30 to watch Lyla, our table is at 7:30," shouted Kelly up to his wife who was in the shower.
"Okay that's fine, I should be ready in an hour, just getting out now," she shouted back.
Y/N then made her way out of the en-suite and into her and Kelly's room.
Kelly then popped his head round the door holding his 3 week old daughter.
"Hey beautiful," he said to wife who was stood in her fluffy dressing gown, hair still wet from her shower.
She smiled at him, both of them making their way towards the other.
"Hello you," she replied placing a kiss on his cheek.
She then took her baby girl from Kelly's arms and cradled her in her own. "Have you been able to feed her?" She asked.
"Yeah, just gave her a bottle and I'll get Matt and Gabby to give her one at 8:30," Kelly responded.
Y/N faced some issues with her milk supply when Lyla was born so they were using formula for her.

"I'm gonna jump in the shower now, we'll try and aim to leave at 7, is that okay baby?"
"Yeah of course babe, I'm just gonna decide what to wear and then I'll do my hair and makeup," Y/N responded.
She was a little worried about choosing an outfit; she still didn't feel comfortable in her own body following her pregnancy but she hasn't made Kelly aware of that. Y/N placed her baby down in her cot in the room and rummaged around the closet to find an outfit.
She decided on a red A-line dress with black heels Ns some gold jewellery but before she put that on, she curled her hair and did her makeup.

Kelly was out the shower at this point and he joined his wife in front of mirror wrapping his arms around her waist, both in their matching white robes.
Y/N was in the middle of putting on her makeup when Kelly rested his head on her shoulder, "You're so beautiful baby," which made Y/N blush a little. Kelly then moved his lips to her neck leaving a mark just under her ear, making Y/N giggle a little.
"Now now Mr don't get me all worked up, we still have another 3 weeks until I get cleared from the doctors," she said stopping him from going any further.
"Yes ma'am," he obliged, walking off to his wardrobe, not before he could leave a quick kiss on his wife's cheek.

Y/N had finished her hair and makeup and Kelly was downstairs having some cuddles with Lyla. She was now starting to put on her dress. It was a bit of a squeeze and she struggled to do the zipper up. About 5 minutes of trying later, she gave in and went through the same struggle trying to take the dress off. She went through the same struggle a few more times with different dresses and outfits before letting out a frustrated scream and plonking herself back down on the bed.
Her thoughts then began to spiral. How could someone with as nice a body as Kelly, as attractive as him be with someone like her. Y/N was healthy but she wasn't like the other girls Kelly had dated. She had a bit of a belly which has always made her feel self conscious and paranoid. Never looking like those girls from magazines or TV shows but Kelly, he made her forget all about that and made her feel like the most stunning woman in the whole world. Despite this, she still couldn't help but feel insecure, especially when she was pregnant. And now, she felt the same way she felt 6 years ago when her and Kelly first got together and bumped into one of his exes in the store.

Y/N and Kelly were walking hand in hand in the store grabbing some food and wine for their at home date night when they bumped into Renee, one of Kelly's exes.
"Well Kelly, hi," she said.
"Renee, hi," he replied.
"Who's this?"
"Hi, I'm Y/N, Kelly's girlfriend," she replied.
"Oh really?"
"Yes," Kelly replied getting irritated, his arm tightening around Y/N's waist.
"Well congrats Kelly, onwards and 2 maybe 3 sizes upwards," Renee said, walking off, before Kelly could get a word in edgewise.
He scoffed as she walked off, Y/N slipping away from his tight grip as he called after her, his girlfriend speed walking away from him.
He caught up with her, "hey, baby, don't let what she said get you," he comforted, a hand rubbing her shoulder as Y/N looked down. She slowly lifted her head to look back at Kelly, tears in her eyes.
"But she's right Kelly!" She whisper shouted. "How can someone like me be with someone as attractive who has as good a physique as you?!" She continued, a tear rolling down her cheek.
"It's not my fault I fell for the most beautiful woman in all of America," he defended, making Y/N.
"See there's that smile I fell in love with. Let's pay and get outta here and make our pasta, I know you've been wanting to try this out for ages!!" He insisted, wrapping his arm around Y/N's shoulders, guiding her to the checkout.
End of flashback

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