Matt Casey - Another Firehouse Baby

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A/N: This was requested by @mackleann - 'Matt Casey where Y/N goes into labour at the firehouse with a baby girl'
I love this idea and I hope you all enjoy what I write! <3

"Baby? You feeling okay?" asked Matt, concerned at his heavily pregnant wife, who was leaning against the vanity in the bathroom, discomfort written all over her face. 
"Mm, these stupid Braxton Hicks contractions! They've been going on all night but luckily they weren't too bad until now," huffed Y/N, looking at her husband in the mirror.
"At least she'll be here in 4 weeks," comforted Matt, coming over to place a hand on his wife's back.
Y/N pulled herself upright and hugged her husband, her large bump making it a bit more difficult, and lay her head on Matt's shoulder.
"Are you sure you still want to come with me to the firehouse today?" He asked his wife.
"Yes definitely, it's been a couple weeks since I last came so it'll be good! I really miss everyone," said Y/N. She was a paramedic on ambulance 61 but had to go on maternity leave at 24 weeks; she visited her firehouse family regularly but the last couple weeks had been a bit busier.
"Okay baby, we'll leave in about 40 minutes, is that okay?"
"Yeah, that's fine babe, I love you," Y/N replied placing a kiss on Matt's lips.

Y/N waddled her way to get dressed then had some breakfast before Matt helped her to the car and they were on their way to shift. Baby Girl Casey was kicking Y/N a lot on the journey so Matt placed his free hand on his wife's bump and calmly asked their baby girl to stop kicking and making her mommy uncomfortable. It was like magic as Baby Girl stopped kicking and Y/N felt some relief for the first time in so long.
"You're a magic dad, you know that babe?"
"What can I say? I have the magic touch," he smirked back.

Soon enough, the couple arrived at the firehouse and slowly made their way inside, Matt's hand supporting Y/N's aching back.
After what seemed like an eternity for Y/N, they finally arrived at the common room where everyone was and boy were they excited to see Y/N!
"Y/N!" Stella shouted and ran over to her best friend, enveloping her in a hug. Y/N returned the hug. "How's my goddaughter doing?"
"She's being a real pain, kicking up a storm," Y/N responded, rubbing her bump. "Feels like I'm gonna pop any day now, even though we've got a good 4 weeks until she's due," Y/N continued, waddling her way over to the chair Matt had pulled out for her.
"Well you're still a hot momma," complimented Stella, making her best friend chuckle.
"Baby, I'm gonna go to my office, do you need anything?" Matt asked his wife, placing a kiss on her head.
"No, we'll be okay babe, thank you!"
"Okay, if anything happens you guys, you know where I am," he added, addressing everyone else in the break room.

Y/N was catching up with her firehouse family talking about baby girl, her nursery and more and then the bells went off for all units to attend a major factory fire. So... she was left all alone in the firehouse. She didn't have much energy but felt like she'd be climbing the walls if she could. She slowly waddled over to Matt's office and decided to tidy it a little then watched some TV. Whilst she was watching her handsome husband save lives on the news, she felt a pain in her stomach and lots of pressure on her uterus, like a contraction, only stronger. She was worried as she'd never felt this pain before and she thought it was too early for baby girl to arrive. Plus, everyone was still on call and she didn't know who she could phone for help. Y/N realised she had left her phone on the kitchen table so with much difficulty and lots of pain, she stood up but the pressure was relieved at the cost of feeling liquid run down her leg and now she was panicked. She was going into labour with everyone from the firehouse on a call.

She groaned out in pain, making her way over to the table to grab her phone and tried calling Matt, even though it'd be a long shot. She groaned again as another contraction hit, filled with frustration that Matt didn't answer. She then decided to call 911, and they would hopefully radio Ambulance 61 so they could all get back.
"911 what's your emergency?" The operator said down the phone.
Again, Y/N was faced with another contraction, "I'm in labour, firehouse 51 and no one's here," she screamed down the phone.
"Okay ma'am, we will radio an alert to them so they can get back."
"Thank you," Y/N groaned before putting the phone down.

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