Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz - Let's Move In!

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A/N: Hey! Sorry I haven't been posting in a few days but I've had a hectic weekend and work has been so busy! I've been drafting a bunch of stories but need to edit them fully now. Hope you all enjoy <3

Y/N and Mouse had met through her older brother Jay when he and Mouse were both enlisted in the army but they didn't start dating until after Mouse came back and joined Intelligence with Jay.
This was 9 months ago and they were still going strong. Y/N was over at Mouse's basically every night after her long days defending cases in Court.
One evening, Y/N was sat on the couch at Mouse's apartment before he came home, flicking through apartment listings on her iPad as her landlord gave her 30 days to move out as he was selling the place.
"Hey babe, what you doing? Asked Mouse when he saw Y/N on his couch after work.
"Just looking at new apartments. How was your day?" She responded.
"Apartments? You're moving?"
"I've got 30 days as my landlord is selling the place so now I'm frantically hunting for an apartment," she said with much frustration. Y/N proceeded to throw her iPad on to the couch next to her.
"The apartments are either too expensive, or in a horrible area, or too far from work," she complained, throwing herself back on the sofa.
Mouse moved her iPad and came and sat next to her.
"Come here," he said, gesturing to his lap. He gave her a hand up and pulled her over to him. Y/N was now sat on him, straddling his lap. He gripped her waist whilst she had her arms around his neck.
"Stop stressing about apartments, because... hear me out... you should come and move in here with me temporarily. What do you think? If you don't like it in say... 3 months, then you can find your own place or we can stay here together!" suggested Mouse.
"Hmm I'm not sure," replied Y/N, avoiding eye contact with Mouse. She was now fidgeting with her fingers, refusing to look her boyfriend in the eye.
Mouse caught on to her nervous tell and he pulled her hands away so she stopped fidgeting.
"Baby, what's wrong? Why don't you like this idea?"
"It's not that I don't like it, I'm just worried. Worried that if we move in together, we'll get sick of each other and then we'll break up and I don't ever want to think about that," Y/N said, opening up about her worries.
"Aw babe, I understand that. But let's face it, we're both in this for the long run aren't we?" Mouse said, which led to Y/N giving him a smirk and nodding her head. "And anyways, if after 3 months, we decide we're not fully ready, you don't have to permanently stay here. Does that make you feel any better? You don't have to give me an answer now but just sleep on it and let me know soon."
"I love you, you know that?" Said Y/N.
"I love you too," responded Mouse. Y/N leant down and kissed her boyfriend on his lips and wrapped her arms around him, placing her head on his shoulder.

12 months later

"I think this going to be my favourite room in the whole house," Y/N said, leaning back into her boyfriend as they stood in front of the room in the house they just bought.
"And me, I can't wait for another 7 months when there's going to be a tiny us in there," Mouse responded softly with his chin resting on Y/N's shoulder, placing his hand over her stomach, rubbing small circles.
Y/N and Mouse ended up loving living together and 2 months ago, they found out Y/N was pregnant so they ended up buying a much bigger house for their growing family.

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