Chief Boden - Surprise Dad!

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A/N: hey all! Sorry I haven't been writing at all lately and I'm really struggling to get on top of everyone's requests - a lot of you are messaging asking when I'll be publishing yours so just a little PSA, I haven't forgotten but they will take a while! Work has been super busy and I have university exams coming up.
Requested by Ssmith_2005611 - 'Chief Boden's daughter coming back from the army'
Enjoy! <3

"Oh my God, Kelly!" Screamed Y/N as she ran towards her husband, jumping into his arms, wrapping her legs around him as he lifted her up in the airport. Y/N laid her head on her husband's shoulder as they took each other in, with the realisation they will never spend so long away from each other again. Yes, Kelly did visit Y/N a few times during her three year deployment, the last being 2 months ago. But now, she was home from her final deployment. She had resigned from the army. The couple then shared the most magical kiss in the airport, just like in the movies and they were walking out hand in hand.

Y/N had only told a hand full of people about her resignation - her father, Chief Wallace Boden was not one of them as she was intending to surprise him at his surprise firehouse birthday party.
The couple were on their way home, both engrossed in conversation about Y/N's time away and how Kelly was getting on at work.
"So the party is tomorrow during shift. Should I bring you in the morning or do you want to make your own way to the house when the party begins?" Kelly asked his wife.
"I think I want to surprise my dad at the party as he'll never see it coming. I can't wait to tell him our news too," she said squeezing his hand.
"I know, me too. And he's really missed you whilst you've been gone!"
"I've missed him and you of course. How long until we get home? I can't wait to wear normal clothes and have a shower. Maybe even enjoy a shower with my husband...?" She suggested, giving Kelly a sultry look in the car.
"In that case," he pressed the gas pedal hard in his Mustang. "I'd say we could get home in 15 minutes," he said, a stupid shit-eating grin on his face.
The two arrived home and had a very pleasant shower together, the first in too long and as they were keeping Y/N's permanent return on the DL, they made no plans except to cuddle and watch movies all day. It seemed boring to most but to a husband and wife who had been apart for so long, it was perfect.

The next day, Chief Boden's birthday came around and in the Severide household, the morning was spent with some snuggles in bed before Kelly left for shift. After reluctantly letting her husband go to work, Y/N eventually got up and ready to get to the firehouse for 1pm - provided there were no calls.

At the firehouse

Rounds of 'happy birthday's' were passed on to Chief during the briefing as well as a delicious home cooked breakfast for the house cooked by Captain Casey.
Kelly went to his father in law's office bearing a box of Cubans and a card from Y/N.
"Hey chief, happy birthday," he said handing him the Cubans.
"Ah thank you Severide and thank you for these," he replied, gesturing to the box of cigars.
"I also have this from Y/N. She sent this in her latest package home," he said, handing Chief a birthday card. He was of course lying but Y/N sent her father a card every year so if she didn't this year, it would've been a little suspicious.
"Thank you, I'm really missing her, especially today."
"I can imagine!"
And with that, Kelly left Chief alone to read the card from his daughter.

'Dear Dad,
Happy birthday!
I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I wish I could be here to celebrate with you. I miss you every day and I can't wait to hopefully come home soon.
I am okay here - just to put your mind at ease.
I love you, always,
Y/N xx'

Chief couldn't help but tear up at his daughter's message but he couldn't dwell too much as the bells soon went off calling for a mild house fire.
When they got back, Chief went to his office whilst the rest of the firehouse got everything ready for his birthday!
Matt then approached Kelly, "Hey man, did you secure the surprise?"
"I sure did," Kelly said, smirking
"Oh my gosh she's actually here?!"
"Yes!And guess what," he then whispered his secret in Matt's ear.
Matt and Kelly both had huge grins planted on their faces and exchanged a brotherly hug.
"I'm so happy for you man," said Casey.
"Thank you! She'll be here any moment now!"

The break room was all set up for Chief's birthday, banners, balloons, a few gifts and a firefighter cake! All that was needed was Y/N!
The plan was to start the surprise party and bring Y/N after, announcing that one of Chief's presents was outside and Kelly would bring it in (when Y/N texted him).
Matt went to go and get Chief from his office.
"SURPRISE!" Shouted everyone from the firehouse.
"Happy birthday Chief," said Mouch holding a birthday cake.
"Yeah you old dog, happy birthday!" added Herrmann.
"Thank you everyone, wow I really wasn't expecting this! I'm so happy to work with people like you all. You are all my family and I love you all," Chief said getting a little emotional.
The house were socialising when Kelly received a text from Y/N saying she was here. He then gave Matt a look, which told him everything he needed to know, before sneaking out to fetch his beloved wife.

"Hey babe," she said kissing her husband.
"Hello beautiful."
"I missed you," she said wrapping her arms around her husband's neck.
"It's only been a few hours," he said with a chuckle.
"After 4 years babe, or do you want me to go back...?"
He rolled his eyes playfully, "Come on, let's go surprise your dad," he said, arm around Y/N's shoulder.
They walked into the firehouse and approached the break room doors. Kelly pushed the door open and Y/N stepped in front of him.
"Anyone call for another surprise...?" She asked.
Chief looked up at his daughter in shock; Kelly filming the whole interaction.
"Y/N?" Chief questioned, a huge smile making its way across his face.
"Dad!" She said and she ran into her father's hugging him! "Happy birthday, dad! I missed you so much," she said, still wrapped in her father's strong arms.
"I missed you Y/N... more than you'll know."
It was like no one else was there but the entire house was gushing over the interaction.
Y/N was holding a gift bag for her father.
"Dad, this is for you from Kelly and I but can we please go somewhere a little more private before you open it?"
"Yes of course," he replied.
"Also, hey everyone, I will catch up with you all properly later! I missed you all!"
She then gestured for Kelly to follow her and Chief to his office.
"Y/N I still can't believe you're here!"
"Well that's only a part of the surprise dad... I'm actually home for good! I've retired from the military, permanently."
"I'm so proud of you, for all your terms but I must say, I'm so happy to have you home forever!"
"There may be another reason for my decision... why don't you open your gift?" With that being said, Kelly came and wrapped his arm around his wife's waist.
Chief opened the bag and inside was a box. He laid the box on his desk and took the top off.
In the box was a positive pregnancy test, a coffee mug that said 'best grandad' and a photo which said 'Baby Severide coming in 2024!'
Chief looked at his daughter with a shocked facial expression. "Are you serious?! When?! How?!"
"Yeah, I'm 2 months along," Y/N said, tears streaming down her face. Kelly placed a gentle kiss on the side of her head. "I started feeling a little ill whilst overseas, a few weeks after Kelly visited and so I asked to be seen by the doctor who confirmed everything! I was able to take it easy the last few months though so don't worry... but dad, you're gonna be a grandpa!" She gushed.
Her and her father then engaged in another hug.
"I'm so proud of you Y/N. I know I always say it but I am. You too Kelly. I'm proud of how you've stuck together throughout all Y/N's terms. And you're both going to be the best parents ever!"
"Thank you Chief," said Kelly, shaking hands with his father in law.
"Yes thank you dad. Now let's celebrate your birthday!" She said.

The family joined the firehouse for the party, Y/N catching up with the rest of 51 before the bells went off.
"Just another day at the office," said Chief planting a small kiss on Y/N's cheek.
"Be safe dad, I love you!"
"I love you too!"
Kelly ran past and she squeezed his hand as he ran towards the app floor.

Y/N was so happy to be home and successfully surprised her father for his birthday just like she always wanted to!

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