Matt Casey - Enemies to Lovers

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A/N: Hey! Life is just so busy and I'm trying my hardest to find time to write.
Requested by @moonlightcbae - 'A Matt Casey enemies to lovers one shot where the reader is a paramedic'

PIC of Ambulance 61, Y/N Y/L/N and Captain of Truck 81 Matt Casey did not get on. Their relationship, which ended when Matt cheated on Y/N with Sylvie whilst Y/N was away on a training course, was the root of all the tension between the two. To make matters worse, Y/N had to work with Sylvie on 61 but then she left to live with her new fiancé in Fowlerton. The PIC and the Captain were not the most serious, they had been together 8 months whilst he was still a Lieutenant and their relationship started with regular hook up sessions after Molly's, however it was the nature of their breakup which made the tension around the firehouse 10x worse. It was now 4 years later and they still found any excuse to be at each other's throat when one remotely pissed the other off.

This time, Y/N found a dent on the door of 61, which was parked next to Truck 81. The dent being perfectly in line with none other than the Captain's door of the truck.
"Hey Violet, have you seen this dent on 61?" Y/N asked as her and Violet were reorganising the ambulance.
Violet came to where Y/N was stood, "No I haven't. Shall I make a call to get it fixed?"
"Yeah, can you. Just wait a bit, let me deal with something first," Y/N said, making her way inside the firehouse.

She reached the break room and saw everyone except the man she was hunting.
"Anyone seen Casey?" She asked the group.
They all looked at each other, a dreaded facial expression across all their faces.
"Erm no we haven't, Y/L/N. He may be in his office...?" Herrmann answered.
"Ugh great," she responded with a huff.
"Keep the noise down when you go," added Mouch still reading his newspaper.
Y/N rolled her eyes and stormed to Casey's office.

Without even bothering to knock, she swung his door open, "Casey! Why is there a giant dent on MY rig door?" she shouted. He just looked at her with a smirk on his face.
"What are you on about you crazy woman?" Knowing true well what she was on about.
"THE DENT ON MY RIG," she shouted.
"What dent?"
"Follow me!" She demanded, scoffing and imitating his 'what dent' under her breath. She stormed out his office, Matt reluctantly following behind, purposely dragging his feet and rolling his eyes.
"I don't have all day Casey!" She shouted, observing his purposeful foot dragging.

Meanwhile in the break room, everyone else at 51 could hear the commotion caused by the two officers.
"We gotta do something you guys," started Herrmann.
"They're getting out of hand," added Cruz. "It's been 4 years! 4 years of us dealing with their petty childish crap!"
"Well yeah because they still love each other. Only a fool can't see it. So... them," said Severide.
"So... any ideas?" asked Herrmann.
"We could have a mature conversation with them?" Suggested Gallo. His idea was met with laughs from everyone at 51.
"Oh rookie, that will NEVER work," chuckled Herrmann.
"Why don't we 'parent trap' them?" Asked Violet.
"Go on..." said Herrmann.
"Well it's not really parent trap but we could lock them in a room together, Casey's office or the turnout room, and force them to talk it out or we won't let them out."
"Kid you're a genius," said Herrmann, before he was interrupted by the shouting on the apparatus floor.

"LOOK HERE CASEY. THIS DENT HERE. DON'T TELL ME YOU CAN'T SEE IT. IT'S RIGHT THERE!" Screamed Y/N pointing at the dent on the driver's side of her beloved rig.
"Ohhh, that dent," he said calmly to piss his ex off even more.
"Is that all you're gonna say? Really? You're not even gonna apologi—"
"Apologise for WHAT?!"
"I didn't do it."
"YES YOU DID CASEY. How else did it get dented?"
"I don't know. Maybe you opened your door and whacked it into a pillar. Wouldn't put it past you of all people."
"What did you just say?"
"I said—"
"I heard what you said and here's what happened. YOU opened YOUR fat door and whacked MY rig whilst trying to impress one of your many fan girls gawking at you on the street."
"Hmm nice to know I have fan girls gawking at me on the street. What a lovely compliment."
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"And even if I DID dent your rig, which I did NOT, what exactly would you want me to do? You get it fixed for free with the CFD anyway!" Argued Matt.
"Ugh. Just admit you dented it and you can go back to doing whatever you were doing Casey."
"You frustrate me SO much." And with that, Y/N stormed back into the firehouse to the break room whilst Casey went to his office.

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