Jay Halstead - Hungover

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A/N: Well... guess who had the worst hangover ever and was inspired to write this... me
This will probably be relatively short too ahah
Enjoy! <3

"Babe, babe, wake up," is what Y/N Halstead could hear on a Saturday morning.
"No, it's the weekend," she mumbled and turned over on her back.
"Babe it's 2pm," replied her husband, Jay Halstead.
"No it's not," she mumbled back.
In response, Jay opened the curtains in their bedroom revealing the bright spring day outside.
"Argh babe no close them," she complained, rolling over again.
"Oh no... is someone a bit hungover...?" Asked Jay sarcastically.
"You think you're so funny," she responded.
"Come on hungover wife," he said, sitting down next to her on bed and taking off the covers.
"Jayyyyy," she protested, moving her face into his lap as he stroked her hair a little. "I'm tired and I feel sick and my head hurts!"
"Well I'm not surprised when you came tumbling in here at 5am..."
"Oh god! Really?" She mumbled, eyes still shut.
"Yep and you tried to seduce me when you came up..."
"Oh shit!"
"Then you passed out, not before throwing up in the bathroom and me carrying you back to bed..."
"Oh nooo!"
"Come on babe, can't stay in bed forever can you?" He asked sarcastically.
"Ugh fine," Y/N replied, slowly sitting up, Jay sniggering in the background.
She took in a huge breath, "How's your head?"
"Don't even start Jay Halstead," she scowled, Jay still giggling at the state of his wife.
"I love you," he cheekily replied.
"Yeah yeah," Y/N said as she slowly stood up to make her way to the bathroom.

Jay made his way downstairs and 20 minutes later Y/N hadn't come down. He was currently preparing a some fruit for his wife as after 10 years together, he knows it's one of the only things she can stomach when she's hungover...
Being the detective he is, he decided to go and investigate the whereabouts of his wife. She was still in the bathroom so he knocked on the door.
"Baby, you okay?"
"Nauseous," she dryly responded.
"Can I come in?"
Jay opened the door and saw his wife with her head over the toilet, "Oh babe," he giggled, leaning down next to his wife, placing a hand on her back.
"I can't believe this," she mumbled, Jay rubbing her back up and down.
"It's okay baby, you deserved this night out after you worked so hard this year! And this is super funny for me to see too," Jay responded, earning him an elbow to his stomach from Y/N whose head was still in the toilet, waiting for the inevitable to happen.

The inevitable did eventually happen and 10 painful minutes later, Y/N rinsed her mouth and Jay scooped up his wife, carrying her back to bed. Once Y/N had passed out again, Jay went down to tidy the kitchen and place her fruit in the fridge before going back up to get into bed with Y/N. She snuggled into him and he played with her hair before falling asleep himself for an hour or so.

Once they were both awake, Y/N was feeling a bit better, just a little groggy so Jay brought up some painkillers and the fruit which she slowly ate, sat in her husband's arms in bed. The couple spent the rest of the day in bed watching tv before ordering in pizza which they shared. Y/N then fell asleep again in Jay's arms for the rest of the night. Safe to say, she won't be drinking like that again for a long time!

A/N: told you it'd be short!! Hope it was okay. I'm currently on vacation and having the best time!

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