Jay Halstead - Lightheaded Worries

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A/N: Requested by hello1234577564 - Jay feels lightheaded at the district, but doesn't tell anyone, and Erin picks up on it, and looks after him, but finds out he was dehydrated after worrying about Y/n's baby.

"Baby, are you sure? I can call off work today if you need me to," said a worried Jay Halstead to his wife Y/N as he helped her up from the floor after she was experiencing some more morning sickness. He was super worried as she was well into the second trimester and still got sick at least 3 times a week.
"We'll be fine, thank you though babe," Y/N replied, smiling through her tiredness. She perched on the seat of the toilet with her head resting on Jay's shoulder for a few moments and proceeded to rinse her mouth and get back into bed. It was only 5am so Jay decided to get back into bed for another couple of hours before getting ready for work. Y/N lay with her head on his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair in an attempt to soothe her to sleep.

2 hours later, Jay's alarm went off and he got ready for work. He managed to get ready without waking Y/N up which he was happy about as the pregnancy insomnia was really taking a toll on her. She was on sick leave from work (as a firefighter) so she had nowhere to go therefore Jay left her sleeping as he went to work, not before giving her a kiss on the forehead and writing her a little note reminding her to text him throughout the day and that he loves her and their baby ('baby bean') so much.

Jay had been at work for a couple hours and it was now 11am. He was worried as Y/N hadn't texted him yet. He tried brushing it off, telling himself that it was because she was still asleep and tried concentrating on his paperwork but the thought of Y/N and baby bean not being okay was circling his mind. His partner of 4 years Erin Lindsay could tell something wasn't quite right about him so she decided to go and investigate.
"Hey, Halstead, you feeling alright? You're looking a little pale," she said.
"I'm fine Erin, it's nothing," he said. He brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal but Jay had been so worried that it was causing him to feel lightheaded.

Erin left but soon returned with a bottle of water for her partner, "Here. Drink this, you'll feel better."
In an attempt to calm his panicked mind, he tried calling Y/N; it was now 12pm and she still hadn't messaged or called. He tried calling but it went straight to voicemail. He began to panic even more. A million thoughts were going round his head... 'What if she's still being sick?' 'What if she passed out?' 'Are her and baby bean okay?' 'Is she still asleep?' 'Is she out and left her phone?'
All these thoughts were enough to make him completely zone out of work, making his head feel even worse. He began to slip from his desk, his head feeling completely cloudy. He wasn't so lucky this time as the whole unit noticed his behaviour.
"Woah Jay, you good?" Asked Adam.
"Yeah Jay, you're not looking the best," commented Kim.
"I'm fine guys. It's nothing," he brushed it off and tried getting back to work.

Again, Erin picked up on the fact he was lying so she came over and led him to the break room.
"Jay, talk to me... you're distracted from your work and you look like you've seen a ghost! What's going on?" She asked.
He sat there with his head in his hands. "I'm so worried about Y/N and the baby! She's still getting morning sickness and she's 20 weeks along! She was up again at 5am today throwing her guts up in the toilet, plus she has the worst pregnancy insomnia; I don't think she's slept for a straight 2 hours for about 7 weeks! And now, I haven't heard from her at all today. It's what... almost 1pm and she hasn't called or messaged. She usually does at around 10 but today, nothing! I called her and her phone went straight to voicemail and I can't leave to check on her! I don't know what to do Erin! I'm just so worried about her... about them both!" Jay completely opened up to his partner and was left close to tears.
Erin could see her partner was struggling so she just hugged him. "Jay, have you thought of the possibility that she's still sleeping? I mean maybe her phone is dead and she's still sleeping? Wouldn't you want that to be the case? There's no point stressing as I'm sure that's the case but if you want, I can ask Voight if we could pop out and check on her and meet the team if they catch a case. How does that sound?"
"Thanks Erin. That sounds like a good idea. It'll just give me a sense of relief knowing they're both okay," he responded.

Hank approved their request and the two were on their way to Jay and Y/N's. Erin drove as Jay was still feeling a little lightheaded. He sipped his water on the way and ate a little something from the vending machine at the district. When they arrived, Erin stayed in the car and Jay rushed to see if Y/N was okay. He raced up the stairs to their bedroom and was relieved to see Y/N fast asleep, light snores coming from her. He didn't want to wake her but thought he ought to as it was nearing 2pm and she'd been asleep most of the day. He gently shook his wife awake, perching on the edge of the bed. She groaned a little and opened her eyes.
"Jay?" She questioned with a yawn. "What are you doing back? Did I really sleep this long?"
"Hey baby. I'm so glad you're okay; it's only 1:40pm. You had me worrying for hours at work! I was waiting to hear from you all day but I didn't and then I started panicking about you and bean so Hank let me come and see if you were both okay," he told his wife, smiling while placing a hand on her swollen stomach. He refrained from telling his wife about his little light headed episode at work - the last thing he wanted to do was make her feel bad about sleeping in and not texting him.
Y/N placed her hand on top of Jay's.
"Babe you're so cute," she said. "Bean and I are doing just fine. I'm just catching up on some missed out sleep. Luckily my nausea has gone so I might be able to get some food into my system," she said, starting to get out of bed.
"No no no, I'll get you some food," Jay said, stopping his wife from getting out of bed. "What would you like to eat?"
"Firstly, I love you but can I please go and pee? I am pregnant here Jay... and second of all... I'm kinda craving some of that pasta you made last night. Is there any in the fridge?"
"Yeah I'm pretty sure there is."
"And after, I know it's weird but blame it on bean... she wants salted chips and peanut butter..." said Y/N making her husband smile.
"Of course anything for you and bean. And since when was our baby a girl..." he asked raising his eyebrows.
"Mother's instinct," she replied with a wink. "Okay, I really gotta pee now Jay, thank you!" And with that she made her way to the bathroom whilst Jay went down to prepare his wife some food. He felt a giant weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

Once Y/N was settled with her pasta and chips and peanut butter, Jay left to go back to work but not without giving his wife a kiss on the lips as well as giving bean a kiss and giving them a warning, no more sickness, which really made Y/N chuckle.

A/N: Not too sure whether I like this or not (it's currently almost 2am here and I can't sleep ahhh!!)
Also, thank you for 3k reads omg! I've only been posting for just over a month! Thank you all🥰

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