Antonio Dawson - Nightmare

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A/N: struggling for ideas atm so please leave some suggestions in the comments! <3

"I'm shattered babe, I'm going to bed," said Y/N to her husband Antonio when their episode had finished.
"Okay mi amor, I'll be up in a second. Love you," he replied, placing a kiss on her lips.
She made her way upstairs and changed into some of her own pyjamas. Y/N was currently in a pair of shorts and her husband's hoodie but she needed something a little cooler for bed. She was only in bed for about 5 minutes, not yet asleep, when Antonio came climbing in. She shifted closer to him, laying her head on his chest whilst he wrapped an arm around her.
"Goodnight mi amor," Antonio said, placing a kiss on Y/N's head.
"Goodnight babe," she mumbled, absentmindedly playing with the hair on his chest.

Within minutes, Y/N was fast asleep, light snores coming from her nose which Antonio found very cute. Moments later, he was also asleep.
The next time he woke up was when he heard Y/N mumbling something in her sleep, he felt her shaking as well. He opened his eyes and looked at his wife who had tears rolling down her face whilst she was asleep. Antonio had never experienced this with his wife but he could tell she was having a nightmare; he gently shook her awake.
Y/N was crying and mumbling his name.
"Y/N, wake up please," he pleaded, shaking her with a bit more force.

She suddenly shot up with a gasp, breathing heavily, her hand on her heart. Antonio then placed his hand on top of hers and grabbed her other hand.
"I'm here," he soothed. "You're okay mi amor, shh you're fine," he continued.
She was still shaking and when she looked at her husband, she burst into tears.
"Hey, Y/N what happened?" Asked Antonio, slowly bringing Y/N close to his chest, running a hand through her hair to help soothe her a little more.
She was silent and didn't answer him immediately but Antonio didn't mind; he let his wife have a moment, tears still flowing on to his chest.

It took a few minutes for Y/N to come to, Antonio was still helping his wife to relax, patiently waiting for her to open up to him. She took a deep breath in and sat up, facing Antonio.
"It's the same nightmare, the one I've been having for about a year now. It's just never gotten this far before," she started.
"What happened amor?"
"You— you got... shot," she said, whispering the last word, tears threatening to spill again. "Usually, the dream ends with us at home and you're alright but this time..." she broke down in tears again, Antonio taking her into his arms again. "This time they pronounced you," she cried, her head buried in his shoulder.
"Oh Y/N," Antonio said, hugging her that bit tighter "I'm so sorry this happens! It's all my faul—"
"No you can't say that! You love your job! I just can't help worrying!" She argued back.
"I know, I know but I still feel awful. You've been having these nightmares for a year and never told me! I'm your husband, you're supposed to tell me these things, you're supposed to want to tell me them and I wish you did so I can help you," he said, sounding upset.
"I know I'm sorry," she replied, squeezing her husband's torso a little harder. "But you're here and you're okay," she continued, her head resting on Antonio's heart so she could hear his heartbeat.

After a while, Antonio spoke up, "I'm here. Always Y/N. I want to be with you, have a family with you, grow old with you and love you forever," he said, leaving kisses on her head, her cheeks, her nose and eventually her lips. "Now, let's go to sleep and enjoy our day off tomorrow."
"Mm, yes. I love you Antonio, so much," Y/N said.
"I love you too Y/N. Goodnight."
"Goodnight babe," she replied, her and Antonio lying back down, Y/N resting her head on Antonio's heart, listening to his heartbeat like it was a lullaby.
Antonio left a kiss on the top of his wife's head and ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her to sleep again, falling asleep himself not long after.

A/N: This is a lot shorter than my others but I didn't really know what else to add haha xx

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