10K Special (Jay Halstead)

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A/N: Hey all! This is a 10K special! I wanted it to be a surprise hence no clues in the title!
I know it's very overdue but I've been finding it hard to write lately but I hope you enjoy this 10k special!
Also, I know there's mentions of valentines in here but there was supposed to be a separate fic of V-Day but I was so busy. Hope you enjoy this instead! I personally love it!!🥰

Y/N and Jay had been together for almost 8 years - since they were 16 and in high school. They met at a lake house party after Valentine's Day in sophomore year and have been going strong ever since.
Here they were today, heading out on a surprise trip to celebrate their anniversary and Valentine's Day. Jay had planned the next 10 days for him and Y/N so she had no clue where they were going or what they were doing - Jay had even packed all her things, came with her to her nail appointment (and paid of course) and even surprised her with her favourite snacks for the road.

Y/N knew they were going on a trip but she had no clue where - a road trip? Abroad? She had no clue. Jay was currently driving along the highway.
"For the fifth time baby, no, I'm still not telling you where we're going!"
"Ugh you're annoying," she huffed, rolling her eyes and facing away from her boyfriend.
"I love you too. Now, my passenger princess, please could put some music on?" Jay requested, trying to distract his girlfriend.
This made her crack a smile whilst she connected her phone to the CarPlay and turned on her and Jay's playlist with all their favourite songs from high school.

An hour later, they had finally arrived at part 1 of their anniversary trip - the airport!
"We're here," announced Jay.
"The airport...? Where are we going babe?"
"You'll have to wait and see! Come on babe," he said, going around to open his girlfriend's car door.
She stepped out and stretched whilst Jay grabbed the suitcases; the couple made their way into the airport, hand in hand, dragging their matching suitcases behind them. Jay checked them in online so Y/N couldn't see where they were going and all they needed to do was drop off their luggage.

Once that was done, they still had a few hours before their flight so they went to get some breakfast. Jay had his arm around Y/N's waist as they walked through.
"Where are we gonna eat babe?" Asked Y/N.
"We're not eating here, come on baby," Jay said leading her through the airport.
"Jay, you're being ridiculously secretive here... I don't know where we're even going!"
"Well... it's a surprise so no more questions!" he responded.
Soon enough, they arrived at the... business class lounge!
"Business class?! Wow Jay, I— I really am getting the princess treatment, thank you" she said blushing and planting a kiss on Jay's cheek.
"Let's go eat!"

After a very enjoyable meal in the business class lounge, they headed towards their gate and boarded the plane. It was so nice to have been able to have 2 private seats together where they could unwind and be together. They were welcomed on board with some champagne before the pilot made her announcement over the PA.

"Good afternoon passengers, this is your captain Julie Winters speaking. Welcome aboard our flight to the Seychelles!"
Y/N looked at Jay, her mouth wide open, "the Seychelles Jay?! Oh my gosh this is amazing! I love you so so much, you're the best boyfriend ever!" Y/N felt like she was floating, her dream destination in business class with the man of her dreams!
"Don't cry baby," Jay responded, noticing the tears in his girlfriend's eyes. He took her in his arms (as best as he could) and wiped her tears away, planting a few kisses in her hair.
Before they knew it, they were up in the air. Y/N and Jay watched a few movies together, drank some champagne and enjoyed some very delicious aeroplane food. Y/N fell asleep before Jay so he brought the wall between them down and cuddled up next to his girlfriend.
They both awoke just in time for breakfast, which was some pastries, fruit and some other things.

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