Matt Casey - the Severide Sister (republished)

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Decided to redo this as I wrote part 2 and it was really short so I made it all 1! <3

Requested by @BrooklynDaniels32 - Kelly Severide's little sister is a paramedic at 51 and has been dating Matt for while. She gets injured in an explosion and is left with a lot of injuries so Matt and Kelly are worried and Matt needs to look after her.

"All units out of the building now! It's going to blow!" Shouted Chief to his firefighters and paramedics through his radio.
"Shay, go! I'm the PIC, get yourself out of here with the equipment! I'll be fine with the boy, we're right behind you!" shouted Y/N Severide.
Her and Shay, best friends, were on the second floor of a huge factory fire, after Y/N's brother, Kelly, had found a young boy in need of urgent care. He was awake but in no state to be able to move himself so it was up to Y/N to get him out safely.

Outside, everyone but Y/N came out the building.
"Shay, where's Y/N," questioned Matt, Y/N's boyfriend of 4 years.
"She told me to get out, she was still with that boy Kelly found but she was right behind me," replied Shay, panic stricken.
"Hey Chief, Severide, Y/N's still inside! We need to go and find her, she has a victim with her," shouted Matt to Chief Boden and Kelly.
"It's too dangerous Casey," said Chief. "But we can see if we can rescue them from a window."
Chief Boden began radioing Y/N. To limit confusion, they referred to Y/N as Y/N and her brother as Severide.
"Y/N, Y/N, can you hear me? Where are you?" questioned chief through the radio.
He could hear coughing coming through and a little static. "Second floor, stairs blocked by fire, gave mask to the boy" responded Y/N, struggling to breathe.
"We're going to use the aerial and rescue you from the window. Come to the front of the building, second window from the left."
"Copy Chief," she responded.

Chief quickly got Kidd and Otis to align the aerial with the window with Kelly and Cruz ready for the rescue.
Y/N soon met them there and handed the boy over to her brother, who safely escorted him down.
He was going back up for Y/N when the building suddenly blew, throwing his little sister out the window and she went flying to the ground.
"Y/N!" Screamed her boyfriend as he ran over to her along with the rest of the firehouse - the boy Y/N rescued was with other paramedics on scene.
Shay and Kidd, who took over as paramedic had the jump bag ready.
"I've got a pulse but she's not breathing," said Shay.
"Someone pass me a C-Collar," shouted Kidd.
"We've gotta intubate and get the cardiac leads on her. Matt please cut her shirt," said Shay.
Her and Kidd got to work intubating Y/N and getting the leads on her.
"Will you drive please?" Said Shay.
"Of course," replied Kidd.
51 helped get their beloved paramedic into the ambulance.
"Severide, Casey, stay with 61," instructed chief.
The two men weren't going to oblige; they hopped into the back of 61 and were off to med.
The ride to med was almost silent, Matt and Kelly holding back tears, each of them gripping one off Y/N's hands.
When they arrived, Shay and Kidd alerted the ED docs of Y/N's condition and all four of them were kicked out of the treatment room so now it was a waiting game.

An hour had gone by and the rest of the firehouse joined them in the waiting room at med - Boden had been able to take the whole house out of service. Kelly and Matt were sat together in silence, staring down at the ground.
After what seemed like forever, Dr Rhodes and Dr Manning approached them. Severide nudged Casey who looked up.
"What's the verdict docs?" Asked Herrmann.
"Well, she's awake and breathing on her own again," started Dr Rhodes.
Everyone felt a giant weight had been lifted off their shoulders.
"But the bad news, she's got a mild concussion - her helmet prevented it from being any worse, - a fractured leg, dislocated shoulder and 4 broken ribs," said Dr Manning.
"We need to take her up to surgery ASAP to fix her leg and we need to reduce her shoulder too," continued Connor. 
"When can we see her?" Asked Matt, speaking on behalf of himself and Kelly.
"After her surgery so in about 2 hours is that okay?" Asked Nat.
Kelly sighed in frustration and walked off, wishing he could see his little sister now.
Shay and Stella followed him outside.
"Kelly, pull yourself together! She's fine, she just has a broken leg, you'll be able to see her soon," said Shay, attempting to comfort her best friend.
"Yeah babe, Y/N's a fighter, you know this," said Stella, wrapping an arm around her fiancé's neck.
"I know. But it's my fault. I didn't rescue her in time!"
"Kel you can't blame yourself. The building exploded, you didn't make it explode," assured Stella.
"Come on, let's go back to the rest of the firehouse," said Shay.

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