Antonio Dawson - Can We Tell Them? pt2

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A/N: here's part 2! Just for some context, Y/N and Antonio found out they were pregnant about 9 weeks before Christmas so she's about 12 weeks in this part :)
Hope you enjoy this part <3

After an agonising 9 weeks of Y/N and Antonio not being able to tell Eva and Diego their exciting news, it was finally Christmas Eve! Tomorrow, Antonio and Y/N were going to tell them they were having a sibling next year!

They had been so excited to share this news, they had planned to give them each a t-shirt saying 'big brother' and 'big sister' as well as a sonogram picture for each of them and a baby outfit for each of them which said 'I love my big brother/sister'.

Y/N had finished boxing up their gifts and placed them under the tree. She touched her barely there bump, which was only just starting to show when Antonio came and joined her in front of the tree. He wrapped his arms round her and she leaned back into him, craning her neck to place a kiss on his lips. They stood together admiring the tree before Y/N spoke.

"Everything's done and just in time! I can't wait to tell them when they come over tomorrow!"
"Well done mi amor, you did an amazing job," Antonio said, kissing the side of her cheek.
"Look at this!" Y/N turned to face Antonio, slightly lifting up her loose t-shirt so he could see the small bulge in her stomach. He gasped then smiled and put his hand on the bump, rubbing it up and down.
"Our baby is growing!" He said.
Y/N's phone flashed and she saw it was midnight.
"It's midnight! Merry Christmas babe!" She said.
"Merry Christmas mi amor," replied Antonio, who proceeded to kiss his girlfriend and kneel down and kiss her bump. "Merry Christmas baby bean."
This made Y/N smile. Antonio then bear hugged his girlfriend and they made their way up to bed in their matching Christmas pyjamas, Y/N snuggled up next to Antonio whilst he rubbed her bump up and down with his thumb.

When they awoke on Christmas morning, it was still a few hours until Eva and Diego were going to be dropped off so Antonio decided to prepare a Christmas breakfast for him and Y/N which would satisfy Y/N's sweet cravings, whilst Y/N started to prepare the decoration for the table for lunch.

After they ate, they heard the door bell and in came Eva and Diego bearing presents for Antonio and his girlfriend. Y/N's excitement was through the roof, she couldn't stop smiling. The family decided to do presents first so they all gathered in the living room next to the tree. Eva and Diego opened all their gifts first but not the big surprise ones, then Y/N and Antonio opened their gifts to each other. Antonio bought Y/N a beautiful necklace with a matching bracelet as well as a framed family photo and some clothes vouchers, whilst Y/N bought Antonio a new jacket, a Rolex and some cologne.

It was finally time for Eva and Diego to open their final gifts.
Antonio had started filming them and Y/N was already getting emotional. Eva and Diego opened up their boxes and looked at each of the items and then each other and then at Y/N and their dad.
"Y/N are you pregnant?!" Asked a very excited Eva.
"Yes! We're going to have a baby next June!" Replied a very teary eyed Y/N.
"We're gonna have a baby sibling!" said Diego.
They both ran and hugged Y/N and then Antonio.
"We're so happy you're both so excited," said Antonio, placing a kiss on his kids' foreheads. "Y/N has been wanting to tell you both since we found out but we thought we'd surprise you on Christmas Day," he continued, wrapping his arm around Y/N who was still smiling with tears rolling down her face.

The four of them celebrated that day with a big Christmas lunch and finished their evening with a Christmas film before going to bed after a very fun filled day.

A/N: I'm thinking of making a part 3? Maybe the Christmas after the baby is born or a part about when the baby is born?
Leave your thoughts in the comments! Thank you! <3

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