Jay Halstead - Maternity Leave

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A/N: requested by @unadrogatadi911 - 'Jay and Y/n recently had a daughter. Y/n is on maternity leave and takes care of the little girl, but when she is with her she always cries and can't calm her down.'
I've been waiting for an excuse to write a maternity one!!

"Baby girl! Please stop crying I'm begging you," pleaded Y/N to her 3 week old daughter, her eyes struggling to stay open. She had just changed her daughter's diaper and fed her but the newborn would not stop crying.
"Everything okay baby?" Asked Jay, as he heard the non stop crying from downstairs.
"She won't stop crying and I've fed her and changed her. I don't know what to do anymore Jay," she shouted, frustrated and on the verge of tears.
"Here, let me take her," offered Jay. "Lunch is ready downstairs," he added, squeezing his wife's hip before taking their baby girl from her. He got her settled in his arms before gently rocking her from side to side. Silence! The baby was content in her father's arms looking up into his eyes. Y/N watched in envy and awe at her husband's talent of comforting their daughter, unsure of how she was going to cope when he went back to work. Within 5 minutes, their daughter was asleep and Jay placed her in the bassinet next to his and Y/N's bed, turned on the baby monitor and went downstairs with his wife.

"Babe, how am I supposed to do this when you go to work?" Asked an emotional Y/N, sat at the kitchen island. "She doesn't stop crying unless you're there and I can't listen to her crying 24/7 when you're working!" She cried.
Jay could tell his wife was getting stressed about the situation but he knew she would be just fine with their baby girl, it would take some adjusting for her and baby girl but he had full confidence that they would both be just fine.
Jay moved the plates on the island to the side and took Y/N's hands in his from across the table. "Baby, I know the last 3 weeks have been incredibly overwhelming with our girl but I have no doubt that when I return back to work on Monday, you will be absolutely fine. You've been doing amazingly so far even after the hospital stay and if you get a bit overwhelmed, I'm just a phone call away I promise."
Y/N was so touched by her husband's words she couldn't think of what to say other than "thank you Jay, I love you so much. I'm so lucky to have you."
Jay the rounded the kitchen island and wrapped his arms around his wife who nestled into his touch.

It was Monday and Jay's first day back to work. Y/N was already having an emotional morning after being up for most of the night with their daughter. Jay slept in the spare room, much to his own opposition, so he could get a solid nights sleep before work, leaving his wife with baby girl all night.
Y/N walked out of the nursery and into her and Jay's room to spend a little time with him before he left for work. He couldn't help but notice the bags under her eyes and spit up on her tank top and nor could he ignore the whimpering baby in her arms.
"Please work your magic on her, just for a minute so I can hear myself think and use the bathroom, have a shower," she begged her husband, handing their daughter to him.
"Of course baby, you okay?" he asked, graciously accepting the newborn in his arms. Y/N had ignored his question and made her way to the bathroom which worried him a little. He started rocking his daughter in his arm and within a minute, she was asleep. Y/N then emerged from the bathroom after the quickest shower ever, feeling somewhat fresher before quickly changing her clothes whilst she had a spare moment.

"Baby, are you sure you're going to be okay without me today? You look exhausted," whispered Jay so he didn't wake his daughter up.
Y/N was mid pulling one of Jay's shirts so didn't answer immediately.
"I'm hoping we'll be okay. If she's still napping when you go to work, I'm gonna hopefully have a sleep and then feed her," she replied as Jay placed the baby in the bassinet.

Jay led the way downstairs and into the kitchen to make him and Y/N some breakfast quickly before he left for work. "Here baby, please eat this, keep your energy up today," he said, handing some toast to his wife who was tidying up the living room.
"Thank you babe, but I should be the one making YOU breakfast; not the other way around," she said, sounding upset.
"It's okay, I'm happy to do this for my girl. I love you baby. Just gonna run up and say bye to baby girl and I'll be back down," he said, planting a quick kiss on Y/N's forehead.

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