ch 16 - Little Eva's Toothache" and "Veda and Aayu's Birthday...

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Now forward,

Everyone was sitting in the canteen having lunch together, Ved was feeding his little Eva, Sanaya was getting angry seeing this but was not saying anything.

Today's day also passed like this and everyone went to their homes. Next day everyone came to school on time.

And they had gone to their respective classes with Shanaya. Young Chhavi and Anshi were also sitting in their class. Today Sanaya was also sitting with them.

Then Sanaya said to little Eva - "Have you brought the clip for me..??

Hearing him, innocent little Eva started looking at him with her eyelids blinking. Seeing him, Sanaya felt that he had not brought the click for her. She became sad thinking that then little Eva smiled innocently and said - "I have brought for you Shanu." See this....

Saying this, she took out a clip from her bag and gave it to Sanaya. Seeing this, Sanaya became very happy and she quickly put the clip in her hair and then looking at little Eva she said - "Thank you and then for some time." Later she said - "I am sorry I troubled you so much and to tell you the truth, I don't know why.I feel very jealous when you go to Ved Bhai because he does not love us that much, he only loves you.
The little youth used her innocent mind and said innocently - "If it is so, then I will tell Vedu that he will love you too…."

Sanaya thought and said - "Okay then you tell me…."

Then both of them started studying.

After some time, it was lunch time and all the people were sitting in the canteen, Ved was sitting on a separate table with Little Yuva, everyone else was sitting at one place like Aradhana Anay Bhavin Sanaya Yug Image Ansh Anshi Ayu Ishi….

Everyone was sitting and having their lunch when little Eva looked towards Veda and innocently said – “Vedu….”

While feeding him, Ved asked - "hmm,
Then little Eva replied innocently – “You love Sanaya the same way you love me because she feels bad, she told me today and that is why she gets angry with me….”

Suddenly Ved's hand stopped while eating and his face became hard. Everyone else also started looking towards Shanaya and Sanaya was sitting with her head down, then Ved saw the innocent face of little Eva who was blinking her eyelids and looking at him bit by bit. Ved was looking at her and was waiting for answers to her questions. Seeing her also, Ved saidSaid calmly-"Okay...."Little Eva became happy after listening to him and so did Sanaya. Then everyone had their breakfast and went to their respective classes.

The days continued like this and 10 months passed, now everyone's exams were over and everyone had gone to the next class.

Like Little Eva Shanaya Chhavi and Anshi all three had gone to Third Standard, Ishi Yug and Ansh had gone to Fourth Standard, Bhavin had gone to Fifth and Anya Veda and Aayu had gone to Sixth Standard….

But amidst all this, a very deep friendship had developed between Shanaya and Little Eva. The friendship between Shanaya and Little Eva had also become very good and the same Ved had started loving Little Eva more than before. Bhavin and Sunaya's friendship had also become very good. Ayu Ishi The friendship had become good...

Other worships were also fine, Yug Chhavi, Ansh and Anshi had become good friends and all studied well, apart from the two, one was Sanaya and the other was our cute and innocent little Eva….

Both of them were taught only Vedas and Bhavin.

Even today everyone had come to school and were having lunch at lunch time….

Like always, Ved was feeding Little Eva with his hands, then suddenly Little Eva felt something and she started crying loudly. While crying, she had kept her hand on her mouth. Seeing her crying like this, everyone got scared and Started looking at him...

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