Chapter 18 Concede

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[Of course, that won't be enough to base your assumptions on. After all, you could all just be ignorant kids with a thing for superheroes. That changes however for someone who knows about a certain black Ops team doing things in the shadows for the league that they, due to their hypocritical moral integrity and the fact that it would cause trouble for them if the United Nations found out, can't]

As soon as he heard this part, General Lane, who was usually expressionless, had his face harden considerably. A cold light flashed though his eyes as his gaze turned towards the League Members.

"Shit!" Batman cursed inwardly. Things were developing very wrongly.

He looked at General Lane, who had a gloomy expression.

"So if I'm not wrong, the league deemed it fit to create a Black Ops team consisting of your proteges to infiltrate areas where the league are restricted from entering themselves. This clearly violates your agreement with the world council, correct me if I am mistaken".

General Lane's face returned to its indifference, but his eyes were clearly more hostile than they ever were.

The severity of this matter was much more extreme than the layman could understand.

The government didn't interfere in League matters, while the league stayed out of the way of the government.

Abstinence from the territory of nations who refuse to permit the league to enter their borders was clearly stated in their agreement.

Now it seemed like the league decided not to uphold their end of the bargain.

Impeding into restricted territory was a grave issue, which was why the Black Ops team was strictly covert, and its information wasn't publicly disclosed.

Of course the league had their reasons as nations they weren't welcomed in, usually had high criminal activity.

An example was the Santa Prisca incident with Banes factory alongside the Cobra venom and project blockbuster. These potent drugs capable of making enhanced soldiers were dangerous commodities if it feels into the wrong hands.

The fact that they were being created and spread covertly would give the league numerous headaches. Therefore, they needed to be neutralized in its infancy.

As long as the proteges acted quickly and left no solid traces as verifiable evidence, it wouldn't matter. After all, the villains couldn't possibly sue them without evidence, and they certainly can't stand as witnesses in court.

But now that the matter had come to light, it was a different case altogether.

Bruce knew that the league would probably soon get a summon from the world council, which would give them headaches for months due to their underhanded moves.

But it couldn't be helped. Who told their enemies to hide in the dark, while they could only be open and upfront in their actions?

"The league can explain our actions and will do so in the next summoning". Batman said in a blank tone, masking his emotions as best he could.

He turned to look at Amari, even more cautious than earlier.

A smile hung in his lips as he really seemed to relish the situation they found themselves in.

"Do you still want to continue, Batman?" He asked with his trademark indifference.

"Go on!" His curt reply showed his determination to not turn back until the camel's back broke from the last straw.

"Batman..... is this appropriate?" Flash asked in hesitation. The other members of the league felt hesitant as well.

Truthfully speaking, they were starting to get a little unsettled at this point from the frequent losses they were incurring in this altercation.

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