Chapter 77 Strader Pharmaceuticals

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“Bialya?” Wade frowned.


“That's going to be difficult. Bialya is generally not friendly to outsiders, much less welcomes them”.

Wade shook his head.

“Like I said, peace talks”.

“Where exactly?” The General's eyes narrowed. For this kind of situation, information is essential.

The world council had given him the mission to retrieve Lane and the asset at all costs. Even if Lane died, if there was a body, it should be brought back.

“North off Qurac, deep into Bialyan territory. There's an underground research facility where the old general is being held captive. I can give you the coordinates if you'd like, but for you, I doubt it would be much help”.

I said candidly.

Wade tapped his fingers on the chair.

"What will we be up against?'

“Something your black ops' infiltration team won't stand a chance against”. I said mercilessly.

“Whatever team you assemble will have to go light. They need to be able to avoid radar when getting in. They need abilities to deal with the big guns they will most certainly face. Also, all channels of communication have an 85% chance of being compromised. Radio silence is imperative. Meaning.....”

“They won't be able to make contact once inside”.


“...... With Bialya's current state of affairs, it'd be wonderful if they could smuggle past the border. Then how long they could live depends on them”.

The atmosphere was slightly embarrassing. This wasn't a matter of if they could complete the mission, but how long they would last before a Wipe out.

Wade's face was gloomy. His expression showed that his mind was full of thoughts.

Bialya wasn't somewhere anyone could waltz into. The United States didn't have aircraft with advanced stealth technology.

There was no way to make it through sea as well. Any attempts at sneaking in would immediately be noticed.

Just sneaking in itself posed a big problem.

Even if they could.......... Could they succeed? According to the intel he just obtained, his men would undoubtedly be slaughtered by what was most likely a Superpowered individual.

Or maybe a group of them.

Wade had no powered individuals under his command in this regard.

........ Or did he?

I saw the blonde middle-aged man look it me with a certain light in his eyes.

Hell no.

“Don't even think about it”. I shut him down before he could propose anything.

“Your strength and abilities should be more than enough to.......”.

“I'm a business partner, not an errand boy to do your dirty work”. I cut him off with no room for question.

“Besides, you don't need me. That's why you have the Justice League for cases like this. Your black ops team are useless in this scenario, but it doesn't mean theirs is”.

Wade raised an eyebrow.

As a general who served in the military for many years, he was considerably shrewd. He didn't think this sentence was just me mentioning casually.

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