Chapter 25 Twin Tail Chains

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The sun shone rather bright on this particular day. Fortunately or unfortunately, the citizens of Central City couldn't feel it.

The big shadow hovering over their heads made them feel incomparable fear. A spaceship several times larger than the largest building in the city was flying above them with unknown intent.

"... This is Central City Bugle reporting to you live from downtown, where what we can only deem another extraterrestrial invasion is yet again taking place on Earth. The citizens of the city are panicking while awaiting response from the Military and the Justice…."

The thick feeling of gloom overwhelmed the city as chaos spread like wildfire.

As if it were the end of the world, human nature unleashed itself on the city as people set off a wave of disasters.

Criminals, thugs, your friendly next door neighbor… you name it.

"What a vain species. You think, after all they've gone through, they'd be used to it by now". The Martian said aloud as her mind processed everything that was happening around her.

With her Martian abilities that had undergone powerful accidental mutations, her telepathy was strong enough to infiltrate the minds of everyone on this planet.

The thoughts, feelings, dark desires of thousands of humans were filtered through her brain, giving her a more profound understanding of this race known as mankind.

Not that it mattered, anyway. She didn't feel much towards them, nothing apart from indifference.

This wasn't due to some preconceived disdain for lower lifeforms like other races in the universe, or a natural superiority complex, but because she had no emotions.

Other than a small sense of curiosity, what moved her was an instinct to accomplish her mission.

Apart from the two future experimental subjects, this planet had nothing that could interest The Chamber.

Their interest in this little planet was nil.

"Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Allen? Or should I call you Flash, like the majority of your species do?" Mericrozz said to Barry who stood on the roof of Star Labs dressed in his classic red suit with yellow lightning bolts designed on it.

".... Well, you'll have to excuse our race, Mr. Earth doesn't really have good experiences with visitors". Flash said solemnly as he looked at the floating alien.

"Mr?" Mericrozz responded in a strange tone. Her body began to deform rapidly before reshaping itself again.

Gone was the large white alien with hideous expressions. What now stood before Barry was a white haired, white skinned female beauty, with gorgeous red eyes and well curved assets.

All fully clothed in black and white, skin-tight suit.

Barry's eyes widened inexplicably at the sudden change.

"You're a she?" Flash said astounded. Then his eyes narrowed.

"You're also a Martian".

"White Martian. I believe your friend John Jonzz has informed you on the characteristics of the Martian race".

"You read my mind". Barry's tone was a bit cold. His heart also tightened.


Barry was silent. His eyes staring intently at the..... stunning female Martian above him.

"Look, I don't mean to hurt you, and I don't know what you want. But I assure you that fighting us ..."

"Hurt who?" Before The Flash could finish his sentence, a powerful force assaulted his body.

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