Chapter 68 Torture?

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“Blergh!” The mad clown retched right there and then.

His chest was slightly sunken, his pale face, if possible, seemed to grow slightly paler. Unable to stop the flow from his stomach, he spat out blood twice.

Still, that did nothing to make him show a painful grimace.

“Well well, madness isn't all there is to it. He doesn't feel pain...... That should be considered a perk right?”

All heroes and villains had a backstory, usually tragic ones. A sort of transformation process before they turned into what they eventually became.

Like Batman spending ten years training with the league of assassin's. After completing the process, they would typically emerge with a special trait they didn't previously have.

Similar to Batman, it was the same with Joker. One might think his transformation was one of the most common ones that existed.

He didn't gain extraordinary strength, nifty superpowers or well-honed fighting skills.

Just insanity and a twisted mentality. But there was more to it than that.

Joker was an unstable character, and the fact that nothing you did to him could hurt him made him an all the more frustrating character.

Beat him, break his bones, threaten him with his life...... Nothing.

A truly remarkable character in an unremarkable way.

“No pain, huh?......” I contemplated in deep thought. An idea I considered to be somewhat wonderful lit up in my mind.

“You!......”. A pained exclamation brought me out of my inner world.

I turned my gaze to Barbara, who was looking at me with wide eyes.

“Why hello redhead. Miss me?”

I could see the look in her eyes. It shifted between me and the now bent crowbar that had stuck against my chest.

“You just...... Saved me?”

“You misunderstand. We had a deal, remember? If you couldn't arrest him yourself, I'd take over. From the looks of it, you failed”.

I tilted my head slightly while putting my hand under my chin.

“And quite frankly, you don't look so good”.

“....ugh…. No…. Kidding”. Barbara uttered with difficulty.

She closed her eyes trying desperately to stop the tears seeping through them. Looks like she would rather not be seen so vulnerable.

Still, it wouldn't do her any good. Her current state was now a sight in front of millions of people. And they had seen how it happened first hand.

“Hey!........ Oi, quit the sappy stuff you got going on there. You're leaving me out?”

That raspy voice called out again.

It drew my gaze to the mad clown who was resting his back against the wall in the distance. He held his laser blaster in front of him, pointed towards my direction.

His face wasn't smiling in the slightest anymore. His eyebrows were greatly narrowed, eyeing me as if he would eat me alive the following moment.

“Oh, Joker”. I said apathetically.

“Haha! So you know who I am? I was starting to think you hadn't heard of me. That's good…. Good”. His frown disappeared and burst out into full-blown laughter.

I was slightly surprised, though it didn't show on my facial expressions. This guy changes faces faster than a supercar on a racetrack.

The urge to look into his head and see what was going in within it was particularly prevalent at his moment. Literally.

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