Chapter 39 Four Questions. I'll Be Right Back

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The Axiom........

One hour Later

“So I've been.......?” The voice was slightly trembling with a bit of shock and dread obvious within it.

The female felt like her mental faculties were about to go haywire.

“Yes Miss Zor-El". The tender, childish voice responded to her unfinished questions.

“You have been in a comatose state in a timeless void dimension for the past few years”. The truth hurts...... Deeply every so often.

Kara looked at the holographic projection with a hint of despair and sadness on her face. The palm holding the sofa that she sat on clenched forcefully.

Luckily, the furniture wasn't damaged or crushed as it would have been if it were normal.

Kara, still completely unaware of her vastly increasing strength, remained oblivious to this knowledge. Her mind was still trying to process the shock concerning the tragedy that had befallen her.

“So…. Krypton…. My parents….?” Kara felt like she had just gone through a nightmare. A nightmare she so desperately wished to wake up from.

“....... Krypton has long ceased to exist for more than twenty-eight years now. As for Kryptonians........ only one more is publicly known to exist”.

Alice continued indifferently. A burst of sadness overwhelmed the young kryptonian blonde. Her eyes were red and filled with tears, seemingly ready to burst into existence.

How long had it been? Well, it all seemed to happen overnight. Within that distorted period, she had lost everything.

Her parents promised that they would be right behind her..... But now….

Her home, her family, her planet, all gone. Presently, the blonde kryptonian felt a strong urge to cry her heart out.

The depression and sadness hit all at once, and she needed to find an outlet.

Soft sobs echoed in the room, and the Red Queen did not interrupt.

After a while....... The sobs subsided. Kara looked at the artificial intelligence with red eyes. She forcibly restrained her complex emotions, and her mind spun rapidly to determine her next course of action.

Although kryptonians weren't known to be a cold-blooded race, that didn't mean that their thought process was similar to humans. Rather, their whole planet operated on a social structure which followed a complex code of rationality and order. Their emotional outbursts were greatly subsided when compared to mankind.

So in a way, Kryptonians saw reality through the lenses of principles. This was clearly indicated in their actions of abandoning the natural process of childbirth and letting machines take its place.

Kara and her family were one of the rare cases whose thinking process differed from the rest of their race, but not by too much.

Unlike Superman, who was raised on Earth and practically had no kryptonian traits apart from his DNA and heritage, Kara's eighteen years on Krypton weren't meaningless.

At the critical moment, the inherent rational instinct kicked in, causing her to suppress her emotions. Right now, Krypton was destroyed, her parents were dead, and now she was on a foreign planet with no idea what was going to happen to her next.

As unlike in the original timeline, she didn't land in Gotham bay and attracted Batman's attention....... well, she still attracted Batman's attention, but there was a significant difference.

Similarly, Superman didn't appear to find out the cause of the disturbance upon her arrival, alongside the chaos that ensued because of it.

How could he? Even if Kara had landed in Gotham Bay, Clark wouldn't be able to appear at the moment. After all, he was still comatose when Supergirl arrived.

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