Chapter 66 Let There Be Light

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“Come on Batsie, where...... are ya?”

The video fitzed in and out on several occasions.

“I never...... Took you for the shy type?”

“All this marvelous chaos and you're still nowhere to be seen.......... What's the matter?.......”.

“Don't want to play? Or maybe my incentive isn't enough anymore....... Haha hahaha........”.

“Well, I'll just have to up my game a couple of notches. You know what I mean, work more on my....... Persuasiveness”.

“...... You know what our little dance routine for so many years has been about......... You won't kill me unless you want to change yourself permanently..... And I won't kill you because you're just too much fun..... You can't walk away from this. Not anymore”.

“You started this, and you either continue the game, or you finish it”. The chalk white face on the video footage looked particularly hideous.

The crazy grin looked almost terrifying.

“So......... You want me to be more persuasive. Well, take a look at my progress report and give me a rating”.

The Joker stepped aside, leaving the screen clear for two henchmen wearing clown masks to take the stage.

Both stood at the sides and held a figure in their middle with one hand each.

The commissioner was unconscious, carried in the middle of two thugs.

“So whatcha think? A five star would be the best, but I wouldn't mind a four....... Three and half would do just fine”.

“Many people have died tonight in my wonderful little joke. Of course, I can't let myself have all the fun, so I'll leave this one for you to decide, will the commissioner be one of them? Let's have a meetup to find out”.

“Since you can't find me after all this time, I'll give you a clue. Head towards the old church at Anton street. Let's have a Merry Gathering in God's presence. Seek forgiveness for our sins....... because I've been a very naughty boy lately ........ Hahaha ha..... Also, do hurry up".

The Joker said, his green eyes and facial expressions showed all the perfect signs of a psychopath.

Watching the scene, Barbara clenched her hands into fists.

“The old commissioner wasn't exactly unscathed when we came to pick him up. He's currently bleeding really bad........ And I don't have any nurses to patch him up. So if you happen to delay....... He might just die without me having to do anything. Once again, I'm waiting Batsie".

“You Damn clown!”

That was the end of it. Barbara's fist tightened as she yelled in rage.

Her face was grim, contorting to show anger, sadness, a bit of loss........ before reverting to decisiveness.

“Hold on dad… I'm coming”. Saying this, she dashed towards the exit, completely ignoring the wounded officers who were still alive.

They would have to wait for officers who had gone out to control the chaos to return in response to the distress signal.

Some might live long enough to get help. As for others.........

“Batgirl, come in. What's your status?”

“Robin?” Barbara called out with a frown on her face. Her footsteps didn't cease in the slightest as she arrived beside the Ricochet, opening the hatch on the roof.

“You were right, the precinct was hit. Officers in the building are either dead or wounded. The Joker's got the commissioner”.

She tapped several buttons and turned on the ignition.

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