Chapter 24 Strange Martian

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[Alongside this Golden age of superheroes, a new age of crime, villains, and disasters followed suit. Death tolls have skyrocketed several times in the past five years than it has in decades]

[.....where do we, the common people, fit into that equation? What category do we find ourselves in when these two forces do battle? What happens to the regular humans who weren't blessed with godlike gifts to stand up for ourselves in troubled times?]

[... The slaughtered]


The cup of coffee in Clark's hand was squashed as his fists tightened.

"I knew Lex running for president would never be a good thing". Clark whispered solemnly as he stared at the screen on the wall intensely, his eyes almost as if they could burrow through it.

And they could.

Watching Luthor's speech, a complex mixture of sadness and anger brewed within him.

"Hey there, Smallville, you're murdering the coffee again".

"Oh, Lois!"

The soft, elegant voice coming from beside him woke Clark up from his stupor. He turned his head to see Lois Lane moving towards him, and a subconscious smile appeared on his face.

His relationship with Lois Lane could be considered superb. Although it irked him a bit whenever she called him Smallville, but that was just a small bit.

"Hi!" Lois smiled as well as she came beside him. Turning her head towards the screen, she saw the video of Lex's campaign.

"You're gonna clean that up?"

"Ah! This?…" Clark looked at the spilled coffee and showed a wry smile.

"I'll just have the janitor clean it up".

Lois shrugged as she turned to look at the screen.

"You really don't like Lex Luthor, do you?" She asked in wonder.

"Dislike is a simple way to put it". Clark pushed his glasses upward on his face habitually.

As he and Luther were archenemies, dislike truly was a small way of describing their situation.

Lois wasn't too surprised. The people who knew about Clark's dislike of Lex Luthor in the daily planet weren't few. After all, he usually refused to report on any stories that involved Lex and his company.

Lois had asked him why once, and was a little surprised to find out the Kent's and the Luthors had some small intersection back in Kansas.

So it was a family thing. Something that happened before Lex's father even died.

"What do you see wrong now?" Lois asked curiously.

"He's targeting the Justice league again". His response was candid.

"Oh? I don't seem to recall him explicitly blaming the League for anything".

"You should know better than me, Lois". Clark shook his head.

"He didn't say it, but his words are shifting public opinion. Influencing the masses into thinking that the casualties that occur when the league fights villains are the league's fault".

"Are they not?" Lois raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"No! They're not.... I mean... not all of it…" Clark said hesitantly, his emotions unstable.

A light chuckle sounded beside him.

"Well, you don't sound all that convinced yourself".

Clark was silent for a while. This was the reason he had complex emotions. On the one hand, Luther was trying to turn the world subtly against them. On the other hand, he felt Lex was right.

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