Chapter 37 I Have Something That Will Change Your Mind

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"So you firmly pursued the matter of our identities to the point of making a deal with the devil".

Bruce looked at Alice indifferently. His vision switched to General Lane, who was watching all this like a bystander.

"Quite right, that is if you consider Amari a devil. To be honest, I was quite surprised when I learned the truth myself. Who would have thought that the legendary Batman was actually the equally legendary Bruce Wane. The irony is astounding, if I do say so myself".

Sam waved his hand with a flat face.

"Why?" Bruce asked.

"The League has done nothing that requires you to treat us with such prejudice. Does the government fear us so much that they are more willing to stand with an outsider to guard against us?"

"Precautionary measures, Mr. Wayne". Alice replied in Sam's place.

"The Justice League is a fronted organization made up of the most powerful individuals there are on the planet. With their strength and abilities, conventional human weapons are unable to pose a threat to them. Even the weakest members of your League are capable of soloing an elite group of highly trained special forces agents by virtue of their unique abilities or honed combat effectiveness".

"Your Martial arts prowess coupled with the highly advanced tech at your disposal is enough to make you a formidable opponent to any tactical team. From the little information my limited access could gather......"

Holographic videos appeared again...
The dark and gloomy atmosphere of the city could almost be felt through the hologram itself.

How that was possible.........

The videos showed Gotham city, home to the highest crime rates in the world.

"......... Dammit, it's him...."

"Open fire......."

"Fuck! Batman's here..."

"Da da da da da!"

In the holographic screens were playing, and the dark lighting showed that it was nighttime.

Several monsters opened fire with their guns in hand at an erratic figure, constantly disappearing into the shadows and striking back at high pace.

Many attacks were dodged, and many more bounced off his bulletproof combat suit. The agile and flexible movements combined with the lightning fast reflex strikes, time coordination of attacks and ingenious combat awareness made Batman in the video look like a shark among fishes.

Even after turning on full bombardment, the gangsters suffered a one-sided massacre, unilaterally beaten by the caped crusader.

Batman watched the video without a change in expression. Martian Manhunter was in a similar state.

Another video appeared alongside it. Nighttime......... Joker and his goons led an attack on a charity event high up in the large hall on the 22nd floor of a Gotham skyscraper.

Batman crashes in through the glass window and begins to attack, subduing goon after goon.

The same thing appeared in many videos that displayed one after another.

The fighting scenes of The Dark Knight were put on full display by the Artificial Intelligence for the three viewers to behold.

"............ Your fighting styles are diverse and include many Martial arts combined. From my calculations through your combat videos, you are proficient in more than fifty different Martial arts styles. And this alone is a conservative estimate on my part. Something that is considered extremely difficult if not outright impossible for even the best Secret Service agents the government has to offer to accomplish. Nevertheless, your individual strength and combat effectiveness within the league can only rank among the lower levels of individual power".

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