Chapter 53 Unexpected Visitors

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“Why!” A loud roar echoed on the highway.

The absent-minded Superman turned his head around to see Flag throwing forward a punch with a ferocious expression.

Sanchez took one straight to the face and fell to the ground. Blood spurted out of his mouth as his hand slammed headfirst into the hard asphalt.

Sanchez originally wasn't in the best of conditions, and dizziness overwhelmed him.

Too bad, Rick wasn't going to hear that.

Rick climbed on top of the fallen soldier and started punching vigorously.

“You Traitor!”


“Son of a bitch!”


“You're working for Mannheim, huh?”


“That bastard killed several members of our team”.



“That's enough”.

Clark frowned and rushed forward to catch the flying fist. His iron grip was something Flag couldn't get rid of, but the latter didn't care.

Flag felt like his world was crumbling. He struggled frantically.

“Let me go! I'm gonna kill him”.

“You keep doing that and believe me, you will”. Sanchez's face at this point was a mess. Blood seeped from his nose, mouth, and tears on his face.

“Why! Why!” Rick yelled in anger.

“We were friends. Brothers. We ate together, drank together, fought together. Why would you betray us”?

Flag stared at him intently, his expression as if he didn't want to miss the slightest changes of Sanchez's facial features.

The anger bubbling in his heart currently was indescribable.

Sanchez coughed up blood. He tried opening his mouth to say something but.

“He is in no condition to be interrogated. If we're going to get answers out of him, you can't beat him to death first”.

Clark admonished.

Turning his gaze to the beaten Sanchez, numerous thoughts passed through his head.

“Perhaps there's an inside story to this. Something that doesn't show on the surface”. He said to himself.

Clark could see the eyes filled with guilt and self blame earlier. He took the punches without so much as trying to fight back.

And for someone like Superman who was trained to see the good in everyone, It was natural for the Man Of Steel to have such ideas.

This kind of optimism, this strong belief in the fact that there was always good deep down in everyone, was very naive. Even Clark himself knew so.

As, although he advocated his fact, he never applied this principle to some special cases. People who were monsters in the truest sense.

For example, The Joker.

Mad or not, Clark was certain that that clown was a being without an atom of good left in that soul of his. Besides, it's cruel to expect people to forgive such a character just because he eventually stopped doing bad.

Clark was sure that if the Joker ever regained his sanity and stopped evading the law with that as an excuse, he would face execution by the government.

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