Chapter 59 Everything You Know

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“..... You.....”. Kara had her eyes wide open in disbelief, and Megan equally had her teary eyes widen in shock.

“You mean…. You can….?”

“Bring him back to life?” Amari interrupted with a raised eyebrow and waved his hand.

“Superman's been revived under worse conditions in many universes. You Kryptonians are different, after all”.

Turning his head to Conner's dead body, he added.

“He's been dead for less than three minutes and his brain is still active. As long as the right conditions are met, for Kryptonians, this can't even be considered a real death”.

“That......” Slightly stumped, the young Kryptonian was a bit astounded. Her mind processed the words several times in a split second before her eyes widened once more.

“... Wait! You've been to other universes?”

“You could say that I come from other universes”. He shrugged indifferently.

“Your cousin has a knack for getting killed and being brought back to life”.

Kara fell silent.

This was....... Good.

A bit too good when she thought about it.

Knowing that under a yellow sun, Kryptonians got all these cool abilities was one thing, and knowing that The Axiom was in a separate dimension belonging exclusively to him was another, knowing that the multiverse theory was true took the cake..... But this?

This was death they were talking about.

Did he have the ability to resurrect the dead? Or was he going to use some kind of healing technology from another universe or a higher civilization or something similar to achieve it.

Even Krypton couldn't achieve such thing. The last known attempt was her aunt's creation, known as the Eradicator. And even that was far from perfect.

Also, why?

It sounded too easy. Naive as she was, she didn't believe that this guy who wouldn't move a muscle for anything that didn't concern him would suddenly ask her to give him a reason to “help”.

From what she could understand, this was practically a done deal. As long as she said something, he would do it.

Then the problem came. Why would he want to do this when he could have just stopped it in the first place?

Or was something as unimaginable as revival a causal thing that required no price for him?

Kara wouldn't believe the last one even if he told her so.

“You'd actually do it?” She asked with a bit of uncertainty and caution in her tone.

“If that's what you really want, then yes”. Amari nodded.

“...... Why?” Even after much deliberation, Kara couldn't help but ask.

“Am I really that bad?” Seeing her hesitation to accept even when she was the one who brought up the topic, he couldn't help being amused.

“Um........”. She resisted the urge to say yes.

“Simple. Because I owe you a request”. Putting his hands into the pockets of his shorts, he looked at the surprised blonde with no expression.

“Huh?” Kara was stunned. “When did he.....?”

Her thoughts were cut off before she could even finish them.

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